Chapter 69

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Charles' POV:

I lifted the helmet off my head and cemented myself back in my own mind. But I couldn't forget what I saw. I wasn't possible after all, or was it? Now that we've changed history what will happen? He'll be free, but what will he do with his freedom? It's impossible to know for sure, but I've got a few guesses and a few calls to make. 

"Congratulations Professor you just rewrote history," Hank spoke with a smile. 

"I couldn't have done it without you," I replied trying to slip away. 

I moved through the room and managed to sneak out without anyone noticing. It's a little rude that they didn't notice, but I suppose it's for the best. I entered my office and made a beeline for the phone. I dialed the familiar number and waited for someone to pick up. Finally, they did and the line connected. 

"Please tell me no one is dead"

Erik's POV:

I paced around the room trying to think up ideas on how to throw a better party than Charles. I already have one less person on my team- I mean guest list. I need someone to even the odds. But who? It's not like any of us have any real friends outside of the school. What about an old friend? I think I know someone, but I doubt he'd help. He's not exactly fond of me, something about not agreeing with my "genocidal ways". What if I play the bigger person- actually no. I'm going to sabotage. 

I went to the nearest phone and dialed a number I haven't used in a very long time. On the third call, he finally picked up. 

"For the last time I don't have a car and even if I did it wouldn't be insured," The man spoke. Car insurance? 

"I can assure you that's not why I'm calling," I replied. 

"Oh, it's you. What do you want? I told you I never want to fight anyone ever again," The man replied with an edge to his tone. 

"I'm not asking you to fight, for the record, we're a proper school now. There's room for another teacher if you're interested, but that's not why I'm calling. Hank is getting married and I need you to do what you do best and make things interesting," I spoke. The line was silent for a while.

"When and where?" The man asked. Thank god, I've got my secret weapon. 

Charles' party is going to be a nightmare. 

Author's Note:

I know this chapter is painfully short, but I needed a transition into the parties. 

Any guesses as to who Charles was calling? 

Who is Erik's secret weapon?

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