Chapter 59

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Crimson's POV:

After several hours of Charles and Hank insisting that we rest they finally let me and Erik get up. Erik was still upset about his robe and Charles really didn't get it. Charles kept telling Erik that they could just get another robe, while Erik went on about how it wouldn't be the same. Hank and I opted to just watch the robe saga unfold. 

I have since been told that we were dead for three weeks, but that since there is no body, they didn't have to rush and do a funeral without us. Charles asked if I wanted to wait, but I thought it'd be best if we did it sooner rather than later. That's what brought me to this moment right now. 

I walked out onto the school grounds holding onto Hank like I'd die if I let go. Logan's dog tags hang heavily around my neck, they felt like they weighed a thousand pounds. Logan's wooden "X" headstone had been placed a few feet away from Alex's. A school shouldn't have a graveyard. Charles had told us that many of the students who had been sent away had sent flowers to the school, they were placed all around the headstone. The order of speeches had been set and it was time to begin. Charles started first:

"When Logan first came to me I saw him as just another student in need of my help, but I quickly realized just how special he really was. He may have had a rough exterior, but inside he was a kind and caring man I'm lucky to have called my friend."

It felt weird to hear him in the past tense like that. Logan was a good man, not is. Hank spoke up next:

"It is certainly no secret that Logan and I didn't see eye to eye on much. However, Logan was always looking out for all of us and I truly admired him. He would've done anything for any of us. I'm so happy I got to know him."

Speech after speech happened. Each one touching on Logan's character and each person's relationship with him. Finally, it was my turn:

"Logan was the best brother anyone could ever have. He was kind and compassionate but he knew how to get things done. He was always looking out for me and giving his all to all of us. This place won't be the same without him."

Everyone stood in silence for a few minutes before we all started filing back inside the school. No one said a word, but we all went up to our rooms and went to bed.

One Month Later

Like Erik had said it was getting easier, but it was still weird to be here without him. Things just felt different. Everyone was disconnected from each other. We needed to come back together and luckily Hank and I want to get married. A wedding should help, right?

Step one of wedding planning is to get a best man and maid of honor to handle most of the work. Hank had picked Charles to be his best man and seeing as Charles just reads everyone's minds asking him is mostly a formality. He decided to just corner him and ask him. We found Charles on his hands and knees painting the school symbol of the floor in the main hall.

"Charles, we have a question for you," I started. Charles put his paintbrush down and looked up at us. 

"Would you like to be my best man?" Hank asked.

"It would be my honor," Charles responded as proper as always. 

Great now who to pick for my maid of honor? I'm not really close with Jean or Jubilee so it would weird to ask them, but they are the only women here. However, it would be funny to ask one of the guys to be my maid of honor. Decisions Decisions. 

I have decided screw gender roles, I don't care. Society already hates me, why not give them another reason. Now to ask him and see if he agrees. 

The Following Week

I convinced Charles to let me use his office for dramatic effect. I also definitely didn't blackmail Charles into using his powers to call him to the office. The formula isn't important, the answer is. I waited in Charles' big leather chair and eventually, the office door swung open. 

"Using my own trick against me, clever," Erik commented walking in and taking a seat. 

"Now I'm sure you're wondering why I've gathered you all here today-" I started. 

"I'm the only other one here. What all?" Erik interrupted confused. 

"Shh. You are all the candidates to be my maid of honor. Now, ladies, I had to make some tough choices. Only of the many of you here can get the prestigious title of MY maid of honor," I continued. Erik nodded along. "Ultimately I had decided that Erik will be my maid of honor, sorry ladies, but my decision is final," I finished my speech. 

"Sorry ladies, but as we all know I'm number one and no one can replace me," Erik spoke looking around at imaginary women in the office. 

"Actually as the bride, I'm number one," I retorted. 

"Fine. Also, I appreciate the guts to not even ask me, to just tell me I have to but do I have to be your 'maid of honor'?" Erik asked with air quotes. 

"Erik Lehnsherr will you be my man of honor?" I asked. 

"I don't know I've got a lot of offers that come with better perks," Erik replied his voice practically dripping with sarcasm. 

"I am so glad you asked about perks because there is one, besides you know, me," I stated. Erik looked at me intrigued. I reached down to where I had stashed Erik's incentive. I raised it up so Erik could see it and his jaw dropped. 

"Is that what I think it is?" Erik asked. 

"Yes, I might have blackmailed your son into stealing one for me," I answered. 

"Yes, I will be your man of honor!" Erik enthusiastically announced. I handed Erik the gift and he quickly put it on. Suddenly Charles walked into the office, he looked between me and Erik. Cleary disappointed in me Charles asked:

"You just had to get him a replacement robe didn't you?" 

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