Chapter 53

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Crimson's POV:

Peter had gathered all of the adults into the room that had been designated the staff lounge solely because it has a fully stocked bar. Seeing as it was her first time with our group during game night Jean was giving Jubilee a lengthy warning of how insane we get when we're drunk. Thankfully, we'd convinced Peter to host game night on a Saturday so we wouldn't be hungover while teaching. Peter clapped his hands to get the attention of all of us. 

"Alrighty, so the game of the night is... drumroll please," Peter started. He paused and waited for us to drumroll on our legs and then he continued. "Dare or drink! Like truth or dare except no truths because that's lame. One can skip the dare or attempt the dare. If you skip you have to take two shots, if you attempt and fail you take one shot, if you succeed you take no shots. In addition to regular dares, you can pin people against each other in competition, and the loser drinks. Everyone understand?" Peter asked. 

"Hell yeah!" Scott called out a little too excited. Wait a minute, Peter doing something and Scott being too excited, this isn't one of their schemes? It better not be or at least not directed towards me. 

"Wonderful! I'll start off with the newbie. Jubilee I dare you to get Charles or Jean to laugh using only your brain!" Peter dared. Everyone leaned forward in excitement and looked at the three of them. Jubilee looked very focused while Charles and Jean were trying to fight back laughter. Charles broke and burst out laughing. 

"What did you think about?" Kurt asked excitedly. 

"Can't tell you guys that, I've been sworn to secrecy," Jubilee answered while looking at Erik who gave her a death stare. "I believe it's my turn and Scott I dare you to flirt with Peter while keeping a straight face!" Jubilee dared continuing the game. Peter looked at Scott and winked at him and Scott was struggling to keep a straight face. 

"Peter, I love it when-" Scott paused and tried to focus again. "When you wear those track shorts because they show off your thighs and they make your as-" Scott broke and finally started laughing. After finally calming down Scott took his shot of failure while Peter pulled his pant legs up to show off his thighs causing Erik to turn his whole body away from Peter. 

"Alright my turn and I dare Charles, Crimson, Hank, and... Erik to race to the lake, last one their drinks," Scott dared. Within seconds we all scurried up from the couches and began to race. While running Hank started to kick off his shoes and socks to use his natural advantage which definitely seemed like cheating. Hank sped ahead of me and Charles, but Erik was having none of it, and he clotheslined him causing Hank to fall down very quickly with quite a thud. Should I help him? No, it's game night, relationships are not the priority; winning is. I ran past him and kept running out towards the lake. Hank eventually got up and was gaining on us. Erik made it to the lake first and stood there cockily and his hands on his hips. Charles arrived next, but he didn't slow down in time and he slipped into the lake. Erik started cracking up and Charles grabbed his ankle and pulled him into the lake. Erik yelped in surprise and Charles pulled him in. I made it next and stopped just short of the lake, but Erik and Charles grabbed my legs and dragged me in as well. 

"Quick hide under the water to mess with Hank!" Charles whisper yelled at us. We followed his instruction and we all submerged ourselves and I could faintly Hank confusedly speak to himself. Erik gestured towards him and then made a grabbing gesture. Charles counted down in our heads and then all stuck our hands out of the water and all six of them grabbed Hank's legs and we quickly pulled him into the water while he screamed in terror. Soon we all popped our heads back up above the water. Hank spit water out of his mouth and turned to me. 

"You betrayed me, I'm so proud of you," Hank spoke.

"I suppose betrayal isn't normal in their relationship," Erik whispered loudly to Charles. 

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