Chapter 72: Weddings, Fake Names, and Ex-Flings

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Crimson's POV:

I looked in the mirror and I'll be honest, I can't believe this is happening. It's all so surreal. How did I get here? Two years ago I didn't even know these people and now, I'm here. A knock on the door broke me from my thoughts. 

"Come in!" I called out. The door slowly opened and in walked Erik looking very dapper in his suit. He looked me up and down and his jaw dropped. 

"You're not half-bad," Erik spoke.

"Damn, should I tone it down?" I joked. 

"No, no you have to show Hank just how lucky he is to get to marry you," Erik replied. 

"Softie, is everything going good down there?" I asked.

"Everything is perfect, they're all waiting for us, well mostly you," Erik answered. 

"Is Erik Lehnsherr being modest?" I joked.

"Don't get used to it," Erik replied. 

"I suppose we shouldn't keep them all waiting," I spoke. Erik reached his hand out towards me. 

"Last chance to back out, I can have a car ready in five minutes," Erik offered. I took his hand. 

"No, I have never been more sure of any decision I've ever made," I responded. 

"Then let's get you married to the luckiest man ever," Erik spoke. 

We left my room and headed downstairs. I feel nervous, I don't know why, but I'm quite nervous. We turned the corner and I could finally see everyone waited outside. All of them were turned and were looking at us. It feels a little overwhelming. I finally looked at Hank waiting up front beside Charles. Hank looked me dead in the eyes and he started tearing up. 

"Look at him, he's so in love with you," Erik whispered. 

"If it helps, there is not a doubt in his mind about marrying you," Charles spoke telepathically. 

We finally reached the front and I let go of Erik's hand. I turned to be facing Hank and we took each other's hands. 

"Hi," Hank whispered.

"Hi," I whispered back. 

Scott got up and took his place to officiate the ceremony. 

"We are gathered here today to celebrate the love of two of the greatest heroes the world has ever had the privilege of knowing. Dr. Henry Philip McCoy and Miss Isabelle Crimson Howlett have loved and learned together and today they cement their love for each other. Crimson would you please go first with your vowes," Scott spoke loud and clear for all to hear. 

Right. My vowes. No pressure. No pressure at all. Also, how did they find out my real name? 

"Hank, I've known since I first heard about you from Charles that you were truly someone special. You've always been the most caring and understanding person I've ever met. I vow to always have your back. I vow to do my best to help you in any way I can. I vow to love you always, blue fur, claws, and bad sleep schedule I don't care. You are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I love you," I spoke trying my best to contain my tears. 

"Hank, your turn. Try to follow that up," Scott instructed earning a laugh from the crowd.

"Crimson, from the first time I ever met you I was blown away. You are truly the most amazing person I have ever met in my life. You're sweet and kind and loving and funny and so much more. I could spend years standing here listing all the reasons I love you. I vow to be by your side through everything. I vow to take care of you, even when you insist you're fine. I vow to show you that I love you each and every day for the rest of our lives," Hank spoke. 

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