Chapter 35

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Crimson's POV:

I woke up to a quick shift in the bed. I immediately sat up and noticed Hank quickly leaving the bed in his full beast form. He turned and saw me looking at him. 

"You're not supposed to see me like this"

"Hank, I don't care if you're blue or not"

"I'm disgusting"

"Nope, you are as handsome as ever"

"I don't deserve you, look at me"

"Hank I am looking at you and my mind is made up, no amount of fur is gonna change how I feel about you"

"You fell in love with Hank, not his hideous beast"

"I fell in love with you, not your body"

Hank froze and looked me dead in the eyes. He whispered quiet enough that I barely heard him.

"You might not care, but I do"

Hank left the room in a rush. No more sleep I guess. I got up and got ready for the day. I left our room and walked through the many halls. I was walking past Peter's room when the door opened and a man I've never seen before walked out. The man ignored me and walked away. I turned to Peter who was standing in the doorway looking very disheavled.

"Who's the guy?"

"His name isn't important"

"You don't know his name, do you?"

"No, no I do not"

I gave Peter a quick high five and then left him. I finally made my way to the warehouse-type room we'd been working on the jet in. Hank was already working away and didn't acknowledge my presence. I figured it was best to let him be, so I just got to work. 

Several hours of boring work later

The base features of the jet had been finished. It hasn't been fully tricked out yet, but it should fly just fine. I backed up and admired our creation. For a war plane it did look very pretty. Hank stood next to me and admired our creation. 

"Wanna go for a test flight?"

"Is that even a question?"

"Let's go!"

We climbed inside the plane and double checked everything first. I made sure to grab Hank a parachute because unfortunately he's not indestructable. I sat in my co-pilot seat and Hank opened the large warehouse doors. We made the last minute inspections and then took off. Soon we were coasting over New York and everything seemed to be working as it should. Hank cleared his throat and I turned to face him. 

"I might not remember what we were before, but I don't need to. These past couple of weeks made me question what I did before to get so lucky"

"I'm the lucky one, have you meet yourself?"

"Well, scientifically speaking..."

I slapped his arm and he mocked shock. We started laughing and soon fell silent. We coasted for a few more minutes before I turned to look at him again. Hank was already looking at me. 

"Can I kiss you?" Hank asked. I decided that actions speak louder than a "yes" so I just went for it. Our lips collided hungrily and we kissed for quite a long time. I started to feel breathless when the plane started beeping. We quickly broke away and saw we were heading straight into a lake. I quickly grabbed the controls and pulled us back on our original course. I couldn't help but laugh a bit at the situation. We flew around a bit more before landing back at the school. We climbed out of the plane and smiled at each other. Then Hank suddenly froze up. His eyes started watering and I got very worried. 

"I can't do this"

"What are you talking about, Hank?"

"Us, it's over. I just can't keep pretending like I have feelings for you. Just go."

"Hank, you don't mean this."

"Please just leave and don't come back"

"This place is my home"

"Not anymore"

I felt myself start to cry and I turned away. I can't give him the satisfaction of seeing what he's done to me. I raced out of the room and up to ours- or his room. I grabbed two bags and packed up everything I could. On my way out of our room I took the name plate from the door and smashed it against the wall. I ran down the stairs and Logan called out to me. 

"What's going on pip?"

"Ask Hank," I spat. 

I kept moving and finally broke free from the school. I thought about taking one of the cars, but I wouldn't be fair to steal from Charles, he hasn't done anything wrong. So I took off on foot and forged a plan as I went. I made it to some train tracks and walked along them It took some time, but eventually I heard a train in the distance. I crawled into a ditch to hide from the conductor. As the head train car passed I climbed out and started to run towards the train. I jumped up and rolled into a partially full freight car. I moved around some of the crates into a rectangle and then laid down to sleep. 

Many hours later

I woke up on the train and the sun was just starting to set. I looked around and saw that I was getting closer to my destination. I waited until the train got as close as possible and I leapt out and landed on the dirt. I walked several miles until the small farmhouse came into view. Worn out emotionally and physically I felt a pang of hope and comfort. I dug under the specific rock and found the hidden key. I opened the door and saw a very surprising sight. Erik was sitting on the couch with his feet kicked up while reading a book. He heard me enter and set his book down before looking at me. 

"I spent a year with you, you can't hide from me Crimson"

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