Where It All Began

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"I did."
The voice was coming from behind us, strong deep, and confused. Something about it made a shiver go down my spine. I knew who it was...I just didn't want to believe it. The prophecy. Slowly I turned around.
"Alaric?" I sighed looking at him. "But.... how is this possible. Andrew. He was supposed to end this all."
He walked slowly towards me his eyebrows turned upside down.
" I know honey, it just happened so fast. I don't know what happened."
I looked over at Andrew, his face showing no sign of any emotion. He bit down hard on his chiseled jawline.
"Is there a reason you are all staring at me right now? If so please share the details." He lowered his head, folding his arms across his chest. And... That's when it hit me. How on earth did I land here? Either way, it isn't fair to start from the end of the story now, right?

Exactly one and a half years ago
I heard my name being shouted from downstairs but refused to get up. Mom was always going on about how getting up early was good for the body. I opened my eyes as the sunshine filled my room. I turned to face the window.
"It's so beautiful." I breathed
"Isn't it?" My mom said as she sat on the edge of my bed.
"Hylla, there's something you should know." She sighed and paused for a moment. A moment that felt like a long time to me. Maybe just because I knew what she was going to say or because I was a little unsure.
"Your father, Hylla..."
"Mom! I don't want to know about him, he left us and he was murdered for it. And I'm quite happy with the fact that I didn't have to be part of someone's life who could be so selfish towards his own family."
"Is that what you thought I was going to say?" She slowly smiled. "Well, then we will leave this conversation for tomorrow."
Just as my mom left the room I heard voices whispering in the corridor outside my bedroom door. I slowly got up without making a sound and crept toward the door.
"How long lucy? How long will you hold this secret from this child?"
"Nana I promise I try every day and it just won't come out."
"Well then, aren't you not trying hard enough to save our child from the darkness out there? Lucy, there are nightmares out there that you haven't come across your entire life. But let me tell u this much, I have seen much more in my life than any other dog out there."
At first, I was confused. Why the hell would nana be calling herself a dog then the thought of her being so old made me smile. I quickly moved away from the door and began packing my bags as I heard my mother's footsteps.
"Breakfast is waiting for you."

I smiled to let her know I would be down in a minute then continued getting ready for school. I rushed around my room picking up stuff as I went along. I dumped my dirty clothes in the laundry basket before standing in front of my mirror.
I stared at my reflection, elegant tall fragile, pale with brilliant great blue eyes. Everything about me seemed normal and I liked myself that way. Normal. But my hair, white long hair with a single braid came down the side. I wondered why my hair had turned out such a color. Even though both my parents had darker shades. I let out a sigh, grabbed my bag, and headed for the kitchen.
"Mom, u haven't happened to see that history book I was reading yesterday, have you? " I asked as I picked up a slice of buttered toast.
"Yes, in fact, I did. I left it on the bookshelf in the study. Grab it on your way out."
"Seriously?" I looked at her widening my eyes. "The study? Come on mom. No one goes down there, it's haunted!"
She gazed at me with great concern before letting out a little giggle. "Now don't tell me you're scared of ghosts."
I rolled my eyes and headed for the study. I hated it down there possibly because, for one, it was in the basement, the extreme bottom of our freaking house. The stairs took at least a minute to descend and there wasn't light down there. So don't forget your candle. I began walking down the stairs thinking about our new history teacher, I haven't met him as yet but heard he was a great teacher.
"He better be," I whispered to myself. History was my favorite subject. I entered the study and looked around. Sometimes I wondered how this place remained so dust free even though no one came down there. I grabbed my history book from the table and as I did a thin line of gold shiny writing caught my attention from the corner of my eye. I turned the candle toward it and as soon as I did the writing disappeared. I moved the candle away and there it was again. I yanked the book out and placed it on the table. I looked at the words and squinted my eyes together.
"profeția lui Krystal Dove cea mai puternică putere." I widened my eyes as I realized I didn't speak Romanian.
"The prophecy of Krystal Dove. The strongest power." I widened my eyes yet again.
"Okay, calm down Hylla, you can read and translate a language you've never read before."
"Hylla, the bus is waiting."
"Damn," I muttered. "Coming mom!"
"Hurry honey, or you'll have to walk again."
I shoved the book into my bag and blew out the candle as I ran up the stairs. Shutting the door behind me as I left for the bus."Who was this Krystal Dove, and who believed in prophecies anymore? And why did mom have it on her bookshelf?

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