Chapter 47 - Kail

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Once the dream descended, Brandon would always open his eyes to a beautiful sight.

The sun rising was far out and beyond him. Starburst yellow and oranges blending with a fog wafting down from the heavens to coat the mountains. These sights were breath taking to him. The sun seemed so close that he often wished that he could reach out and touch it. But no matter how he strained he was unable to move from his spot fixed above the man. Then Brandon would begin to hear them talking. Two males voices beneath him, raised in anger. One voice was familiar to him, because it was his own voice echoing out into the void and sheer rock all around.

The man that looked like him stood beneath him. His twin was looking down into the fog and blackness. His hands were clenched at his sides as he screamed at the man standing behind him. It always struck Brandon how his twin was dressed in his dreams. His apparel appeared far too ancient to Brandon, as though he was looking upon a king or a medieval lord. He always appeared to Brandon in his dreams wearing a long silken robe that could have been spun by a spiders own hand. A gossamer white gown that appeared at once beautiful, but powerful and strong.

Even his twins' speech seemed alien, and yet Brandon understood every word that he said.

He ignored the heated conversation that carried on below him though.

Because Brandon had heard it all a thousand times before. A dark argument that hurt him every time he listened to it, but no matter how he tried to stay above the scene transpiring below him, he was eventually always forced to float down and bear witness to the dark play.

".....and you will let them topple everything that we have worked to achieve? Can you see that they won't just stop here!?" Brandon's twin screamed turning back to the man behind him. "Kail, you have to understand that they are using you!"

Kail, the man that his twin addressed was for lack of a better word beautiful. And yet Brandon's felt no physical attraction for the man in his dreams at all. He felt like thought like that were forbidden to him for some strange reason, so he admired the man, but that was as far as Brandon's feelings for the man named Kail ever went.

Unlike Brandon's twin who wore his hair short and cropped the man named Kail had a mane of black hair lain down his back and bound there in a thick braid. And his features though far from elegant or soft, were instead strong and inspiring and covered in marks and symbols. He appeared to Brandon as a tribal warrior.

Face decked out in black and white paints. He looked as though he had just emerged from battle, cuts and blood stained him and his clothing. Clothing that like Brandon's twin was alien looking. It was nothing but a long gossamer gown, but unlike Brandon's this mans gown was coal black and covered in etched golden spirals in the shapes of dragons. It was easy to see that the man named Kail not only out weighted Brandon's twin but out stood him by a good two inches.

And then there was the long thin blade that Kail held loosely by his side. It was covered in fresh gore, but for the life of him Brandon had never been able to see any deep wounds on either of the men in his dream.

"In this I am noting but a tool." Kail finally said back to Brandon's twin. His handsome face melting into a grave scowl of regret. "You're the one who drove us to this Brother."

Brandon's twin turned to the man named Kail as he raised his weapon before him in a daunting stance.

Brandon's twin closed his mint green eyes, eyes so similar to Brandon's, and looked down. Tears started falling as he bowed his head. "No, they brought US to this." he said to Kail. "And you betrayed everything you knew for a lie. You will never ever be able to take this back."

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