Chapter 41

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"W-what" Arizona said her expression unreadable.

"Marry me" I said again. My exterior may look calm but inside I'm shaking. This was not the way I wanted to ask her, but there was no turning back now.

"No" she whispered just loud enough for me to hear. I could physically feel my face drop and my heart break.

Before I could say anything she got up, still naked and practically ran out of the room. I just stared after her as tears filled my eyes. What have I just done. I laid back down and just let the tears fall down my face. A few seconds later the door opened again. I didn't bother looking up until I felt the bed dip next to me.

"Hey whats up" she said as she gently turned me over so I was facing her.

"You don't want to marry me" I said through sobs.

"Oh  my God I'm so sorry, no  I do want to marry you" she smiled

"Then what was that" I said as I wiped the tears from my cheeks.

"Because of this" she put her hand infront of her and in it was a little black box. She opened it and inside was the most amazing ring I have ever seen. It was silver, and a big diamond in the middle and a few little diamonds on either side. I looked at her, my mouth open.

"I've had this a while I had a plan for it and everything" she said.

"I..." I was speechless.

"But you sort of beat me to it" she chuckled.

"I'm so sorry it just sort of slip out, I wanted to plan something but yeah my mouth works before my brain can stop it a.." Arizona leans in and kisses me cutting me off.

"Calliope, yes I will marry you" She smiled after she pulled away.

"I love you" she said as she took the ring out of the box and placed in of my finger. My face was starting to hurt with smiling.

"I love you too" I said as I leaned in and connected our lips. Suddenly the kisses started to get heated again as she pushed me down and straddled me.....

I opened my eyes, blinking a few times until they got used to the brightness and saw Arizona staring at me.

"How long have you been staring at me" I chuckle.

"Not long" she smiled

"Weirdo" I said playfully rolling my eyes

"Can't help it you're so beautiful when you sleep"

"So you're saying I'm not when I'm awake" I said trying to sound hurt.

"Maybe" she laughed.

"Hey" I said hitting her on her arm.

"I'm kidding" she said leaning in and connecting our lips. It was then that I saw the ring on my wasn't a dream.

" we're getting married" I whisper more to myself.

"Yeah...unless you have changed your mind, or you think it's too soon" Arizona said looking a little worried.

"you do remember that I asked you right" I said with a little chuckle. But then my smile faded a little.

"How is it, I purpose to you and yet I'm the one with the ring" I frowned, looking at my ring.

"Don't frown, it gives you wrinkles" Arizona laughs.

"Lets go ring shopping today" I said looking up at Arizona.

"You don't have to" she said.

"I do, I'm not taking a no for an answer".

"Okok" she replied, knowing full well she wouldn't win.

We got up and got washed and dressed and then headed into town, luckily we don't start till 2 so we have plenty of time to get Arizona a ring. I just wish I had actually waited and planned something amazing because she deserves nothing but the best but I guess I will just have to make it up to her. The whole time I was getting ready I couldn't stop staring at my ring, it's so beautiful and so me, she knows me to well. I just can't believe she already had this because we never really spoke about marriage. I mean we've not been together that long, even with the break up but when you know, you know. She is my soul mate,  I never want to live a single day without her and I can't wait for her to be my wife.

"OMG" Arizona grins. We are in the 3rd jewellery shop and still haven't found one for her. I look to were she is looking and see a really beautiful ring.

"wow, that is nice"

"I love it, it's the best one I've seen" she beamed. This is the best reaction I've had all morning. "I think we have found her one" I thought to myself, a little smile finding it's way on my lips. 

"oh never mind" she said the smile fading. I could tell she had seen the price.

"excuse me" I smile at the lady behind the counter. She smiles and walks towards us.

"Callie its so expensive, lets keep looking " she said. I just ignored her, yes its a little expensive but only the best for my future wife. 

"could we get this one please, size R" she nodded and walks away. A few minutes later she returns with the ring. I could see Arizona still looking a little worried, until she tried it on. Then she couldn't stop the smile that found its way on her lips. 

Life is a funny sometimes, I remember reading a quote somewhere once that said "the best love story is when you fall in  love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time" I never really understood that because I've always been one that goes looking for love. Never would I have thought I'd fall in love with my best friend. It just sucks that it took us this long to realise our true feelings for each other, but we have the rest of our lives to make up for it and that's what I intend to do. And as long as I have Arizona by my side everything is going to be just fine.


The End..... thoughts  on the ending?? rubbish or good? haha 

Debating where or not to do an Epilogue for the final chapter or just leave it..  or maybe a sequel?? what would you guys like? 

Thank you so much to everyone who has taken the time to read this fanfic and comment and vote etc means a lot. Will update saving me soon...

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