Chapter 31

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Later that day....

Me and Lexi had just finished watching a film, she made sure it hadn't got any lovey dovey stuff in so we settled on an action films. I kept checking my phone hoping for some reason that Callie might have called or messaged. I know I would have probably ignored it but still.

"hey" April smiles as she walks in.


"how have you been" she asks.

"not to good to be honest"

"I finally managed to get her to eat something" Lexi said, coming out of the kitchen with a coffee.

"oh good" 

"you still want to get some of your stuff" April asks. I just nod.

"I'll stay here" Lexi said. I got up and we went outside to Aprils car. I could feel my anxiety rising with each minute. The closer we got the worst it got, my heart was racing, I started feeling sick. I tried to calm myself down but before it could work April pulled up outside the house. 

"want me to come in with you" April asks

"no its okay, but if I need you I'll send you a message" I took a deep breath and got out the car. I slowly walked up to the door and put my key in. I tried to turn it but it wasn't working so I tried turning the handle and it opened, it was unlocked. I walked in and could here the tv, I tried to quietly walk upstairs hoping she hadn't heard me, but I wasn't that lucky.

"Arizona" I stopped half way up the stairs and turned and saw Callie at the bottom on the stairs. She looked awful, worse then I do, She looked pale, a bit clamey, her eyes were red and bloodshot. She looked like she hardly had any energy to even stand. It broke my heart seeing her like this but she has no one to blame but herself. 

"I've just come to get some stuff, I'm staying at Aprils" I say turning back to walk upstairs. I can barely look at her and it kills me.

"Arizona please" I turned around

"I don't want to hear it Callie"

"I can barely remember what happened. All I know is what April told me. I didn't realise I was that drunk I don't remember drinking that much" tears were filling in her eyes. 

"well you did and you fucked that women, you didn't even try to hide it, you didn't even say anything when I was stood there, you didn't even try to come after me"

"I honestly don't remember I'm so sorry Arizona" 

"it's to late, I'm getting some stuff and I'll be back for more in a couple of days" I ran upstairs and found a big bag and shoved in as much stuff as I could before heading back downstairs. Callie was stood in the same place tears running down her face.

"Arizona please" she pleaded.

"I'm sorry Callie but I can't be with someone who cheats, you cheated on Erica with me and now cheated on me, I guess what they say is true, once a cheat, always a cheat"

"Arizona" she cried. I could hear the pain in her voice at my words.

"I'm sorry Callie but we are over" I pushed past her and walked out the door. As soon as the door shut I burst into tears, the pain in my chest worse then ever. I could barely catch my breath I ran to the car and put my stuff in the boot and got in. Once I was sat I tried to calm my breathing.

"what happened" April asks.

"I broke up with her, can we just leave" she didn't say anything she just drove back to hers. The whole ride home I cried and couldn't get the look on Callie's face out of my head

A week later,......

Callie's POV

It's been a week  since Arizona left and I'm a mess I've never felt anything like this. All I want is Arizona back, I wish I could have a time machine.  I'm still trying to rack my brain as to what actually happened. There are so many blank spots from that night. I remember dancing and drinking and then going to bar and seeing Penny and then everything after that is blank. My body still aches I feel so physically and mentally weak. I've tried calling Arizona but she ignores my calls. I called in sick at work because I'm in no fit state to work. I've barely left the house unless it's to go to the shop for alcohol, it's the only thing that helps ease the pain and helps me sleep. I can't even sleep in our bed, I've been sleeping on the sofa and it's  not that comfy but I can't face sleeping in our bed without her. I cry myself to sleep every night and cry most days. I've never experienced pain like this. 

It was 9pm and I'd just finished the last bit of wine. I couldn't really be bothered to go out but I'd only had half a glass, so I got my coat and walked the short walk down the road to the shop. It was already dark and when I walked into the shop the bright lights burnt my eyes  a little. I walked to the alcohol and picked up a bottle of wine and went to the till and paid for it. I walked back out and as I started walking someone shouted me.

"excuse me" I turned around and saw a dark haired women running towards me.

"yes" I say

"I'm sorry to bother you and this is going to sound really weird but was you at Fuel last week" 

"yeah I was last Friday night"

"oh good it is you, I wasn't sure, I'm been hoping for a miracle that I'd see you"

"can I help you" I asked getting a little irritated,

"I saw you with a red head, Penny" she asked more of a question. I nodded.

"did something happen with you two"

"I'm sorry but what has this got to do with you" I said 

"what do you remember about that night" she probed 

"hardly anything, why" I  was really getting confused.

"because I think she did the same to you that she did to me"


dont worry I am going somewhere with this lol


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