Chapter 18

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We do our very best but sometimes  it's just not good enough. We buckle our seat belts, we wear a helmet, we stick to the lighted paths. We try to be safe. We try so hard to protect ourselves but it doesn't make a damn bit of difference, because when the bad things come, they come out of nowhere. The bad things come suddenly with no warning, but we forget, that sometimes that's how the good things come too.

-Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy.


"she hates me"

"can you blame her" I say

"what do you mean"

"you broke me Carina, I was in such a bad place when you left and Callie had to glue me back together, she just hasn't forgiven you, Im sorry but I have to go find her" Without another word I ran out the room.

"Meredith have you seen Callie" I ask as I bump into Meredith.

"yeah she ran into bathroom, is everything okay"

"no" I ran to the bathroom.

"Callie it's me open up" A few seconds later the door opened and Callie walked out the cubicle and straight into my arms.

"come on lets go home" I say after a few minutes.

"we can't" she cries

"I'll talk to Bailey" she just nodded.

We left the bathroom and headed up the stairs and across the skywalk to Bailey's office. I knock on the door and wait for a reply which I get straight away.

"hello Arizona" she smiles as I walk in.

"what can I do for you"

"its Callie she's in a bad way and I need to take her home, it okay if we leave, you know I wouldn't ask if it wasn't serious"

"is everything okay"

"not really, she's had a lot happen in the last 24 hours and she's not coping to well, she's in no fit state to work"

"right okay yeah that's fine, if you need anything call me"

"thanks Bailey we will make it up to you" I smile as I leave the office.

"lets go" I say grabbing Callies hand. I lead us the less busy route out the hospital and into the car and drove home. The whole time Callie stayed quiet, just staring out the window.

Soon we arrived home I had to go open Callies door and help her out as she didn't move. Once we got in I sat her on the sofa and went and made us some coffee.

I hate seeing Callie like this. It doesn't happen often but when it does its horrible.

"here" I half smile handing her the coffee.

"I don't know what to do" she suddenly says.

"Erica hates me, which I can't blame her for. My dad has practically disowned me and I know my mum will as well, its all so fucked up" I didn't know what to say so I just pulled her into me.

"lets go get changed and go for a walk" she just nodded.

We went and got changed and headed out. I took her hands in mine as we walked down the street. It was actually a really nice day, the sun was shining, no cloud in the sky. I lead us towards the park that was near our house, luckily it wasn't as busy as I thought. I headed straight for the swings and sat Callie on one and then I went and sat the other one. I pushed myself off and started swinging, bending and straightening my legs to get momentum while Callie just sat there swaying. I slowed down and jump off and stood infront of Callie.

"hey come on, you love the swings" she just looked at me.

"its all going to be okay, I'm here, I'm not going to leave you" I say looking straight into her eyes.

She moved her hands and placed them on my hips and pulled me a little closer and leaned forward and kissed me.

"thats all I need" she smiles

"push me"

I gave her another quick kiss then walked around her and started pushing her. After a few pushes she started swinging herself so I sat back on the other swing and pushed off. I kept glancing at her and could slowly see her relaxing and smiling.

No matter how old I get I will always love swings. They make me feel like a kid, not like I have the weight of the world on my shoulders.

We stayed on the swings for a while until kids started to come into the park. We got off and went and sat on the grass. Callie laid down, resting her head on my lap.

"feeling better" I ask

"a bit yeah, thank you Arizona"

"always" I smile

We stayed like that for awhile until  we decided to head home.

"Erica" Callie says as she stopped walking. I looked at her and followed where she was looking. Sure enough stood by our door was Erica. I must admit even from a distance she didn't look good.

"go talk to her" I urge

"she said never to contact her again, so why is she here" Callie replies.

"I don't know but you really need to talk to her"

I took her hand and pulled her up the street. Just as we got to our drive Erica turned around to walk away but stopped when she saw us.

"hi" Callie says.

"I left my football stuff here just wondering if I can get it back please, I would have called but I don't have your number anymore"  You can tell she wasn't doing so well.

"yeah sure" Callie said before pulling out her keys and unlocking the door.

"would you like to come in" I ask Erica

"I'll wait here" Callie went off inside leaving me with Erica.

"I'm sorry" I say breaking the silence.

"I don't want to hear it"

"it was never meant to happen this way"

" I said I don't want to hear it" she growled.

"okay, but at least let Callie explain, we all know you deserve some answers, and I am really sorry" With that I walked inside leaving Erica alone.


not sure about this chapter but here it is ha feeback is always welcome, hope you are all enjoying reading it :))

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