Chapter 2

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The expected is what keeps us steady. Its the unexpected that changes our lives forever.

-Alex Karva, Greys Anatomy.



I slowly open my eyes, the bright light from outside burning them slightly. I sigh as I reached for my alarm clock to turn it off, 6:00am.
I sigh again before pulling the duvet off me and getting out of bed. I love my job but dont like early starts.
I went into the bathroom and got a shower hoping it would wake me up a bit more. Once I was done in the bathroom I went to get changed. I could hear Callie walking about. Luckily todays is one of the days we work together which makes it better.

"Arizona" Callies shouts from the landing.


"have you got one of my work tops in your cupboard again" she says opening the door walking into my room in only her underwear. I couldnt help but stare. Its not the first time Ive seen her like this. But its breathtaking every time. Her beautiful Latino skin, her amazing curves, her peachy bum, her boobs. Just breathtaking.

"you seriously need to stop putting my clothes with yours" she laughs snapping me back from my thoughts.

"well maybe its just my way of getting to see you like this" I smirk looking at her up and down dramatically making us both laugh.

"oh honey, you wouldnt be able to handle me" she winks at me before leaving my room. Somehow I believe her. We have always had a flirty banter friendship. I would be lying if I said i havent imagined what it would be like.

After Callie left I finished getting ready before heading downstairs. I filled mine and Callies flask with coffee and quickly made some toast, 10 minutes later we were out the door.

I love my job I find it very rewarding, being the first people on the scene, because its what you do that makes the difference whether they survive the trip the hospital or not. The only downside is that when you drop them off at the hospital, thats it, you very rarley know how they got on.
Its especially hard when its children because I really want to know if they are okay or not. Sometimes when I finish my shift I go find them and see how they are doing. However they are times when not knowing is better then knowing, because in reality people die, and that's the hardest part.

"Ready" Callie asks as we climb into the ambulance.

"lets do this". Before we even buckled our seatbelts in we got our first call, so off we went.

12 Hours later we finally finished our shift, I'm absolutely shattered. We finished cleaning out the ambulance ready for the next crew to take over before getting changed and heading home.

"what a day" Callie sighs tiredly

"I know right, Im starved" I laugh.

"Chinese" Callie asked

"oh yes please" With that we left the hospital and went to the nearest Chinese ordered our food and headed home.

"wine" Callie asked as we plated the food up.

"only a small one, dont want to be hungover for the game tomorrow"

"true, dont think Karva would be impress if his star players are hungover" she laughed

"definitely not" I chuckle

I finished plating the food up while Callie poured the wine, Sauvignon Blanc, my favourite, especially if its from New Zealand. I grabbed our plates and headed into the living room, A few seconds later Callie brought the glasses of wine. We watched a bit of tele while we ate, luckily we both like the same shows/films otherwise trying to decide what to watch would be hell.

the next morning...

"Arizona you best be ready" Callie shouts from downstairs. Today is game day. Callie hates being late to training and even more so on game days.

"yeah I'm coming" I ran down the stairs as Callie was putting her coat on.

"lets go" she says grabbing my bag. Luckily today is a home game, so we dont have far to go. 15 minutes later we arrived at the pitch.

"you wet the bed" Lexi asks me while laughing, as me and Callie walk up to the few teams mates already there. We was Actually early for once.

"no that was Callie" I laugh

"sorry couldnt help myself" she shrugged causing us all to laugh.

Not long later the whole team was here, so we started warming up. 15 minutes later we gathered in our huddle that we do before a game.

"right ladies, this is important, go out there and do what we do best, Arizona you best have your shooting boots on, lets play as a team, communicate, we got this" Karev says before we all put our hands in the middle and shout TEAM.

I feel so happy when Im playing and playing next to Callie is a bouns, we are a force to be reckoned with when we play together. Soon the first half was over and we was winning 3 nil. I scored 2 and Lexi scored 1.

"great first half out there ladies, we need more of that in the second half, just because we are winning doesnt mean the game is ours, not until the final whistle" Karev says seriously.

The whistle goes and within 10 minutes they score. I can feel the angry and determination building, I hate conceding.
15 Minutes of the game left and its still 3-1. 2 minutes later Callie gets subbed, which i was gutted by but the other players need game time as well. I couldnt help be see her talking to someone who Ive never seen before, she was smiling and laughing, couldnt help but feel a bit jealous.
Soon the final whistle went, final score 3-1 to us. We are into the final, we all ran to each other and hug each other jumping up and down. We all then went back to the dug out were we was greeted by a smiling Karev. I instantly went straight to Callie and hugged her.

"well done Arizona"

"Well done to you too" I smile

"you was on fire" I grin

"you too, oh by the way this is Erica" She says pointing to the tall, blonde haired women stood next to her.

"hey" she smiles, she is rather pretty.

"hi" I smile back.

"she's actually joining our team" Callie beams 

"aww that's great" 

"yeah I can't wait" Erica says smiling at Callie. I could swear I saw Callie blush a little.

"hey Callie, Arizona, we're all going for drinks, you coming, Erica your more then welcome to come, meet your new team mates" Karev says.

"yeah course" Callie smiles back. 

We all headed back to the changing rooms and got changed, before heading to the pub down the road. I couldn't help but notice how joined at the hip Callie and Erica were since the game. Callie has spend more time talking to Erica then she has me and I couldn't help but feel jealous.

"eyeing up the newbie" April chuckles as she sits next to me.

"no don't be silly" 

"you haven't stopping looking at them two since we got here"

"no I haven't" 

"Arizona, yes you have, or is it Callie your looking at" 

"I'm getting another drink, back in a minute" I smile getting up and heading to the bar. I don't know why I'm being so weird about Callie and Erica. I mean they have just met and Callie is an amazing person, she always makes people feel welcome, that's all she's doing.

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