Chapter 33

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Before I knew it we arrived at Aprils, my heart started beating faster, I felt like I was gonna be sick again. We got out the car and slowly walked up to the door, Lexi had to put her arm around my waist to keep me up, my legs felt like they were going to go from under me at any second. Lexi knocked on the door and within seconds April answered the door.

"hey Le...Callie" surprise clear in her voice.

"what are you doing here" she asked.

"can we come in, she is struggling to stand" Lexi said. April stood there for a few seconds deciding whether or not to let us in. She then moved aside and Lexi took me to the sofa. I collasped on the sofa almost immediately 

"April who was at t.." I head shot up at the sound of her voice and saw her standing by the kitchen door. Frozen. She looks as bad as I feel, she had bags under her eyes that were red and swollen and she looked pale. My heart broke at the sight knowing it was my fault.

"what's going on" She asks

"I don't know" April said, looking from Arizona to Lexi.

"I don't know either, she just text me telling me to come get it immediately, she was sat on a bench talking to some women, and she was like this" Lexi said pointing to me.

"she begged me to bring her to you" Lexi said looking at Arizona. There was a silence for a few seconds before Arizona spoke

"take her home Lexi" Arizona said. I started to cry at her words. I couldn't breath. 

"Callie what is going on" Lexi asks, as she hugs me.

"It's a--ll m-y fau--lt, I let i--t happen" I cried

"what is" April asks. I was struggling to breath. How can I say it. How do I tell them. I buried my head in my hands. Suddenly I felt someone's hands on mine. I lifted my head and saw blues eyes looking at me. 

"Callie, breath with me" she said I could see her eyes were filling with tears. I copied her as she took deep breaths. I soon started to calm down.

"right now tell me what is going on"

"Penny she sp..piked my drink and..." I started to shake at the thought.

"you couldn't consent" April whispers after a few seconds, more to herself, but loud enough for us to hear.

"what" Lexi asks

"if she was drugged she wouldn't have been able to knowingly consent to having sex " April said sitting next to me putting an arm around my shoulder. I suddenly felt Arizona let go of my hands. I looked up and saw her move away, her expression unreadable. 

"w-what are you saying" Arizona said as tears silently fell down her cheeks. I could tell she knew. I looked at April, pleading with my eyes, I can't seem to say it. I feel if I do I'm going to be sick. April moved her arm and took my hands in her, giving them a little squeeze, letting me know she understood me.

"If Penny drugged her and had sex  with her knowing full well that she couldn't give valid consent or couldn't stop her, its basically rape" April explain. 

"no" Arizona  said abruptly. She had a look of pain and anger covering her face as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Arizona's POV......

"you're lying" I whispered, tears running down my face. I can't believe it, I don't want to believe it. This can't be real. How could I have let this happen. 

"I wish I was" She cried. I've never seen her like this and its completely breaking me seeing her like this, so broken. All the hate I had towards her vanished, my pain didn't matter anymore.

"yano that women I was with" Callie said looking at Lexi. She nodded.

"Penny did it to her as well, she bumped into me when I came out the shop and said she was hoping she would see me again because she saw us that night and knew what had happened"

"but it's all my fault I let it happen"

"hey, it is not your fault" April said.

"I let her buy me a drink"

"you did nothing wrong Callie, you wasn't to know she spiked your drink"

"it's all my fault" She whisper as she buried her head in her hands. I stood there not knowing what to say or do. I have to put all my pain aside and be there for her, she needs me. I looked at April and Lexi and gave them a silent gesture to leave the room so I can be with Callie. They nodded and got up and went into the kitchen. I slowly made my way to Callie and sat next to her and instantly pulled her into my chest and she cried even more. I 'm fighting so hard not to cry, seeing her like this, touching her, hugging her, it's so overwhelming.  

"I'm so sorry Arizona, I never meant to hurt you" she cried. I could feel her tears soaking my top but I didn't care. All I wanted to do was make this pain go away, if I could trade places I would in a heart beat.

"shh it's okay" I said as I rubbed gentle circles on her back. 

"Its not, I'm in love with you and knowing I've lost you and it's my fault, its breaking me" hearing those words "I'm in love with you" made my heart skip a beat. I've been longing for the day she would say them. I couldn't stop the little smile that formed on my lips. I leaned down and kissed her on her head. 

"I love you to" I whispered. She looked up at me and our eyes locked, everything around us disappeared. Before I knew it our lips connected and my whole body felt like electricity was running through it. But a part of me was telling me this isn't right, Callie is so vulnerable right now, this isn't good for either of us. I pulled away and saw hurt fill Callie's eyes.

"I'm sorry" She cried 

"don't be, God I missed that so much" I said truthfully.

"Me to" 

"I just can't get the pictures out of  my head but Callie I want you to know that this is 100% not your fault, that bitch is a sadistic rapist and she is going to get what's coming to her. I'm going to be here for you okay, but just as a friend," More tears filled her eyes but she just nodded.

"at least just for now" I added. She nodded again, her lips turning up a tiny bit to form a weak smile. 


Thoughts?? :) 

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