Chapter 17

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What's broken can be mended, what's hurt can be healed. No matter how dark it gets, the sun's gonna rise again.

-Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy


Arizona's POV.

I stood there frozen in just a sheet as Callie and her dad started shouting in spanish. I had no idea what they were saying, but I had an idea what it was about. After a few more seconds I finally moved I turned around and went back to my room.

I can't believe this has happened. Its my fault, yet again. First Erica and now her dad! I sighed as I chucked the sheet on the bed and went into the bathroom. I got in the shower and washed my hair and just stood there for a while letting the water run down me.

This is such a mess. I've known Callie and her parents for 12 years. I know how they feel about me and my sexuality. They've told me multiple times that its wrong and disgusting...need I go on. They don't hate me as a person just my choice of partners. I don't understand why they are that way, I don't understand anyone who thinks like that but it doesn't stop me being happy and proud.

I finished in the shower and got out, I wrapped myself in a towel and went into my bedroom. Callie was sat on my bed crying. I quicky ran to her and pulled into me. We sat like that for a few minutes until she moved and looked at me.

"he hates me" she cried.

"he doesn't hate you"

"he told me its wrong, that there is something wrong with me. He told me to come home and that we will sort this mess out, he even said we will go see his priest to try and get me fixed, he looked at me with such disgusted, I tried to tell him that this is me, its who I am but he wouldn't listen, so I chucked him out" she cried. I could feel my heart breaking.

"Callie, you need to talk to him"

"don't tell me you understand where he's coming from"

"I'm nearly 30 and he thinks he can come here and tell me how to live my life and if he can't accept this is who I am and wants to disown me then fine, for the first time in my life I am truly happy"

"he hasn't done anything wrong Calliope, you changed the game here"

"so you can sit there and tell me you didnt expect a little understanding from your parents"

"Callie, I never had a boyfriend, I never had posters of men on my bedroom walls, so when I brought someone home and it was a female, it wasn't a surpise. You've been with men your whole life and after all these years thats changed, your a whole new women. This is a massive shock to him, he's in denial and there is nothing you can do about that, you just need to sit him down and have a proper conversation with him, let him be shocked, he will come around"

"what if he doesn't you don't know him like I do"

"I know your his daughter and that he loves you, he will come around, we always knew him finding out would be hard, but we will get through this together"

"okay" she sighs

"now lets get ready for work"

"good idea, because seeing you wet in a towel is really turning me on" she laughed wiping the tears from her face. I couldn't help but laugh.

"later" I whisper in her ear, giving her a little peck on the cheek. We finished getting ready for work and soon we was on our way.

As we was walking to the staff room after our last call I saw Carina walking towards us. I looked at Callie and could see her previous relaxed face turn rigid and angry. I took her hand into mine to try and calm her down.

"hey" Carina smiles as she stops in front of us and glances at our hands

"hey, how you settling in" I ask.

"really well actually, everyone is so nice"

"yeah they are"

"I have to run but would be nice if we could catch up over a drink" she asks.

"you are welcome to join us Callie"

"ill pass" Callie says through gritted teeth.

"I'll text you" I smile. She smiled and left.

"breath Callie" I say as we walked into the staff room.

"dad" Callie gasps as she lets go of my hand I look up and see him sat on the sofa.

" Arizona can you leave us a alone please" Without another word I walked out. I went to the cafeteria to get some lunch before we end up getting called out again.

"hey Arizona" I looked up at the sound of my name.

" oh hey Meredith" I smile

"no Callie" she asks.

"she's in the staff room talking to her dad"

"he's here"

"yeah turned up this morning and lets just say it didn't go so well"

"she told him"

"erm sort of yeah"

"oh shit" she whispers looking at her phone.

"Fill me in later" she says before running out the cafeteria. I grabbed some sandwiches and drinks and headed back to the staff room. I looked through the window in the door and could see Callie crying, he dad no where insight. I opened the door and went and sat next to her.

"he won't here me out" she sobbed

"he says that you have brainwashed me and that I need to leave with him today" I didnt know what to say.

"what am I going to do Arizona" she asks looking at me. For the first time ever I had no answer. I just pulled her into me and cuddled her. Suddenly the door opened and Carina walked in.

"oh sorry" she says

"is everything okay"

"for fuck sake" Callie whispers.

"sorry?" Carina says

"I said for fuck sake" Callie says sitting up

"have I don't something to upset you or make you angry"

"are you serious" oh God I know that tone with Callie.

"Callie drop it, lets go" I plead standing up, reaching for her arm, but she pulls away and stands up.

"you turn up here after all these years, at coincidentally the same hospital, after what you did. Then somehow managed to get her into bed and walk around here like nothing ever happened"

"Callie I never meant to hurt her, I loved her"

"No! you didn't love her,
you just didn't want to be alone, or maybe, maybe she was good for your ego or maybe she made you feel better about your miserable life. But you didn't love her, because you don't destroy the person you love" With that Callie left.


I really wanted to use that speech by Callie, was poweful and badass 😂 so had to figure out how to fit it in. Hope you are all enjoying it

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