Chapter 32

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I will probably hurt you again. And you'll hurt me. And I'll come right back to you again when you do. I accept the risk. Because you're worth it.  Because you matter to me. Because I love you. And I'm not going anywhere.

-Meredith Grey, Grey's Anatomy


"I'm sorry but what are you on about" I ask.

"can we go sit down and I'll explain"  she said pointing to the bench across the road. I was torn between following her or walking away. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little creeped out.

"erm okay" I said after a couple of seconds. We walked across the road and sat on the bench that was lit up by one of the street lights. She sat down and I sat as far away as possible.

"my name is Jo, look I know this is weird and you are probably creeped out but I've been  hoping for a miracle that I might bump into you. I think you need to know about Penny"

"what about her"

"she is a horrible person, only after one thing and she will do anything to get it" I stayed silent waiting for her to carry on.

"she was a regular at my work and kept flirting with me but I'm straight and have a husband, but it's like she didn't care. Then one night about a month ago I was out in town for my friends birthday and she was there and offered to buy me a drink and I stupidly said yes. Next thing I remember I felt so drunk, like I couldn't stand she offered to take me outside to get some fresh air so I went. I don't really remember much after that but one of my friends found us down the alleyway next to the club and told me the next day that she was fucking me. I had love bites on my neck,  I don't remember any of it. I know I  didn't drink much because I had work the next day, Plus I've never been with a women and never intended to so I know I wouldn't have done that with her no matter how drunk I was, so there was only one explanation, she spiked my drink" I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

"she spiked your drink" I whispered

"yeah that's the only thing I could think of that makes sense, and I think she did it to you"

"w-why do you think that" I was starting to feel sick.

"I saw you with her, I didn't think much of it until she helped you to the toilet and then the next thing I saw was 3 women carrying you out the toilets and out the club and she was no where to be seen. You looked more then drunk and was way worse then when you first went in,  but then my friends started talking to me and then you was gone, I had no idea of how to find you again to tell you" I really don't know what to say or think right now, she spiked my drink and basically raped me and now I've lost Arizona. I could feel my eyes filling up.

"so-so she drugged me and then had sex with me?" I cried. Jo just nodded.

"no one would believe me because I had no proof, but if we go to the police together they might take us seriously, she can't get away with this, goodness knows how many people she has done this too" I couldn't say anything I quickly turned my head and vomited. I feel so violated and disgusting.

"I'm sorry for all this but I wanted you to know because she needs to be stopped" I just nodded. 

"here, have my number and call me when you decide what you want to do or if you want to talk" she pulled out a piece of paper and pen and wrote her number on it and handed it to me. 

"would you like me to walk you home or something" I shook my head, there is only one place I want to be right now.

"I don't think you should be alone right now, is there somewhere you can go" This time I  nodded. I couldn't seem to speak, it was like I was speechless with shame and disgust and anger. I pulled out my phone and messaged Lexi, I know she is pissed at me but I also know she will come. Jo stayed with me and about 10minutes later Lexi pulled up and got out of her car, her expression suddenly softened when she saw me.

"Callie what the hell happened" she asks looking from me to Jo. 

 "I think you need to take her home" Jo said

"what's going on" Lexi ask.

"I will let her tell you but she shouldn't be alone"

"I need to see Arizona" I cried looking up at Lexi.

"Callie I d.."

"please" I beg, the tears coming harder and faster.

"okay" She pulled me up and put her arm around me.

"I'm sorry again Callie but use my number okay" I nodded and got into Lexi's car.

"are you going to tell me whats happened" she asked again as she set off towards Aprils

'Arizona first" I said through tears. I don't even know if she will see me but she needs to know. She needs to know that that I didn't deliberately cheat on her. I can't believe she spiked my drug just to have sex with me and knowing I was in no fit state to consent to it. I know I'd never hurt or cheat on Arizona. I've never felt so disgusting in my life, was it my fault? did I unintentionally lead her on? How could I have not stopped it? Will Arizona believe me? Do I even believe Jo? But why would she lie? all these questions kept running through my mind as I stared out the window, tears silently running down my face.


I know this is a bit like WTF but wanted a bit of drama and I'd NEVER make Callie cheat on Arizona deliberately and I hate Penny so.... 😂😂😂😂

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