Chapter 40 - Back to normal

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I stood hand in hand with Harry in front of our school, while we waited for the rest of our friends to arrive.

"What do you think they'll say when they see us?" Harry asked, with a smirk.

"About everything that happened or about us?" 

"Well I'm pretty sure that they are going to be in complete shock about everything that has happened, and even more when they see us together, like this." He pointed down to our hands, and I smiled.

"Arthur and Katherine were ecstatic when you told them, so I am sure that everyone is going to react like they did."

"Yeah?" He let go of my hand, then he went behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, pulling me to him so that my back was leaning against his chest. 

"Yeah." I responded craning my neck to look back at him.

"Even if they don't like it, I don't care." He boyishly grinned at me.

"You don't?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Nope, because no one is going to stop me from being with you."

I responded in giving his cheek a feather kiss to which he smiled. "You are way too cute Carrington."

"Right back at you Caldwell." He winked, causing me to laugh.

"Shouldn't they be here like five minutes ago?"Harry groaned after a few seconds, as he leaned his head on the brick wall that was behind us.

I shrugged and as if right on cue our friend's cars came into the parking lot, drawing attention from all the students that were making their way to the school's entrance.

"Well they're here now." I waved at Katherine, as she got out of her car and went as quickly as her high heeled boots allowed her.

She was then followed by the rest of our friends who came rushing over to us. "You're alive!" Arthur exclaimed greeting Harry, who laughed in return.

"Thank God! I was going crazy because you two didn't call after Arthur talked with Harry." Clara sighed in relief. 

"Well our friends are survivors!" Peter did a little military salut in Harry's direction, who happily did it back. 

"We need the details of everything Sam." Marlee gave me a pointed look as she saw the way Harry's arms where around my waist.

"Obviously!" I grinned, at my friends.

"So, are you two going to tell us what happened? With Christina I mean." She whispered the last part, as she looked around us to make sure no one was standing near us. 

"She's gone." I simply said and they all gaped at me.

"Gone? Like completely and absolutely gone?" Katherine hopefully said, and we both nodded. "Bloody hell." She responded and Charles whistled under his breath.

"How did you do it?" Arthur asked and Harry proudly answered.

"Sam said a sentence in Latin that was written on a dagger from when Christina was alive. We also gathered some ingredients, and then done."

"Badass." Clara proudly nodded, her raven hair swaying with each movement of her head. 

"Did your parents even notice that something weird was going on?" Peter questioned and I shook my head.

"Nope, they thought that I was acting weird because of what had happened at the party. They didn't even notice that Harry slept over." I rolled my eyes.

"Wow, my parents would have found out about everything if it had happened to me." Peter laughed with a shrug.  

"Harry was attacked by a tree, and then-" I started but was interrupted by Arthur.

"You where attacked by what?" Arthur turned to Harry with his jaw unbelievably low.

"A cursed tree..." Harry mumbled and Arthur was still shocked, but he then laughed.

"Damn, I would have payed anything to see that." Harry rolled his eyes at Arthur's comment.

"We both got attacked by Christina after the tree incident." I continued speaking.

"You got attacked by Christina?!" Clara and Charles simultaneously said, which to be honest really freaked me out.

"She did." Harry confirmed, "Christina even hurt her." 

I pointed to where the dagger had pierced my skin. "She used the dagger that she had, to pierce the skin on my upper arm. But it's on it's way of completely healing." 

Charles shook his head. "Psychotic bitch." 

"I agree Charles." I said and patted his shoulder with my hand. "But she's gone, so we don't have to worry about her anymore."

The bell signaling that we had to get to class rang, and we started to slowly make our way inside the school.

"I can't believe it's all over." Clara's expression showed how relieved she was.

"Definitely the craziest week ever." I sighed.

"But the good thing about this is that you met us." Arthur said as he slung an arm over Katherine's shoulder.

"I absolutely accept that positive thinking." Katherine said her green eyes shining.

"Same here." Peter added as he tied his red hair into a little bun on top of his head.

"What do you guys think is going to happen now?" Marlee looked at us as we made our way down the hall to our lockers.

"Who knows, but as long as we all stick together, everything is going to be fine." Charles responded giving her a bright smile.

"I know one thing!" Harry suddenly said which caused us to slightly jump. "This is going to be a fun end of Senior year." 

We laughed as we agreed with him.

Harry took my hand in his and I gave him a wide smile. "Let's get this party started shall we?" I said and he returned the smile, giving me a kiss, before we continued walking with the rest of the group.

We made our way to our first class of the day and as I saw my friends around me, and my now boyfriend, I finally felt happy. 

These where the people that I needed in my life, and this place was where I belonged.

The End 

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