Chapter 6 - Schmitt Prep

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After the interrogtion I finished my cereal. Then I quickly finished getting ready, grabbed my backpack and made my way outside.

Before we had arrived dad had brought mom's white Mercedes-Benz and my midnight blue Audi. So with car keys in hand I made my way to the garage. I got inside and made my way to my car, quickly getting in the drivers seat and making my way to school.

As I arrived I was speachless. I had been to many great schools, but this one was by far the greatest.

It was huge, one would even think it was a University. It even had towers! It looked old but mixed with new.
I parked my car and headed inside taking in my surroundings. Students were sitting on the lawn, some where probably headed to first period. There were groups, each one doing something different.

I headed to the headmasters office. I knocked at the door, and once someone said I could come in, I opened the door and saw the person who must be the headmaster.

"You must be Ms. Samantha Caldwell." He stood up as I walked over to the chair on the other side of his desk. "I am Headmaster Banks. I will explain everything you must know as I take you to your class."

We made our way to my first class, and meanwhile Headmaster Banks gave me my schedule and told me the rules, the after school clubs, etc.

Finally we arrived at what I assumed was my classroom. He opened the door walking inside with me following behind.

"Good morning Mrs. Cormac, I am very sorry for this intrusion, but I wanted to introduce to you and the class a new student."

"Sure! No problem Headmaster Banks." Said Mrs. Cormac smiling at me, to which I politely smiled back.

"Alright class, this is Samantha Caldwell. She has recently moved from New York City, and will be finishing the year with us."

"It's nice to meet you Ms. Caldwell, I am your history teacher Mrs. Cormac. There is a seat open next to Mr. Carrington" She said pointing to a desk next to the most handsome boy I had ever seen.

I walked over to the blonde haired boy, and as I sat down next to him, I could feel his gaze on me. As I turned to look at him I locked eyes with a pair of deep blue eyes contrasting to my baby blue ones. He smiled at me and said: "It's Samantha, right?

I nodded, and he smiled.
"My names Harry, nice to meet you"

I smiled back. "It's nice to meet you Harry."

Class went by and I couldn't believe my luck! I was sitting next to Harry Carrington, and by the way the other girls in class looked at him, I could only imagine he was probably the boy that every girl wanted at this school.

At the end of the class I gathered my things and I was trying to figure out where class number 415 was - when suddenly Harry was standing right beside me. I could smell his cologne, and feel his penetrating gaze on me once more.

"Do you need any help?" Was all he said. I turned to look at him raising my eyebrows. But I answered anyway.

"I don't know where class 415 is... would you mind helping me out?"

He looked at me and smiled confidently.

"You're in luck, thats my next class, follow me Miss Samantha."

We walked along different hallways, turning corners, meanwhile Harry asked me questions.

"So, Samantha, what made you and your family decide to move to D.C?" He looked at me, with an interested gaze.

"Well, my dads' work transferred him here." I said simply, not giving to much information to the handsome boy next to me. He didn't press the subject any further.

Even though I don't have anything against telling people that my father works for the Senator, I want to lay low on the subject for a little while longer.

We talk a bit more,when finally we reached the classroom. It took us exactly 5 minutes to get there.

"Classroom 415! It's quite easy to get here right?" He smiled dazzlingly at me, but I just looked at him bewildered. I burst out laughing.

"What?" He asked. But he then started laughing as well.

"You are unbelievable! All those different hallways we walked down, and you actually said that!" I laugh and he grins.

"You should have seen your face! Complete disbelief!" He then started laughing again.

We calmed down after a few seconds, and I was the first one to speak.

"We should probably get in there before class starts."

"After you." He let me go first and I smiled gratefully. As I entered class with Harry behind me I felt the stares of my fellow classmates.

"I want you to meet some of my friends c'mon." So he led the way over to a black haired, green eyed boy and a honey brown haired, hazel eyed girl.
As we neared them, they smiled at Harry and when they saw me next to him, they looked at me curiously.

"Hey guys, this is Samantha Caldwell, she's new." He said, and the girl spoke first.

"Hi! I'm Marlee Verala, it's nice to meet you." She smiled at me and I was glad to meet a girl who didn't shoot daggers at me while I stood next to Harry.

"Nice to meet you too!" I smiled back.

"What's up? I'm Arthur Freshwath, nice to meet you." He grinned at me.

"Nice to meet you!"

I got to know them a little before the professor walked in. When he did, he put his things down and when he spotted me he came over to where I was sitting. He looked like he was in his early 60's.

"You must be Samantha Caldwell." I nodded smiling kindly and he continued. "I am your Math professor, Mr. Blake."

He then turned to the two boys ( I was sitting between Harry and Marlee. But Arthur was next to Harry) "Well you two actually made it on time today. Very well done." He turned to leave, but then turned his attention on the boys once more." Oh and keep her out of trouble boys." He said with a pointed look.

He then walked away. I turned to the two boys.

"Should I be worried?"

They chuckled, not giving me an answer. I turned to Marlee hoping she'd tell me what that was all about.

"They, and the other boys of our group are... the bad boys but also the good guys of the school. You don't have to worry."
I nodded as she gave me a reassuring smile.

Got to be 100% honest. I don't like math when I don't understand it.
But at least I had great company, to make it through the hour.

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