Chapter 18 - Missing Pages

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Clara had given me a pair of pajamas to wear, while I stayed at her house. After a few hours of sleep, we finally woke up. We had planned to meet up at 12pm at the hospital. So Clara and I got ready and went to my house, that was now a crime scene.

We parked behind my car that was parked outside, so I didn't need to go into the garage.

"Ok I only need to get the diary from the car and then we can leave." I said as I opened the car door.

"Sure I'll wait here." She nodded and I gave her a thumbs up.

The good thing is that I had put my car keys into a secret pocket that my costume had.

I know, it's awesome.

But now I was wearing a pair of black leggings and a pink hoodie that Clara had given to me to use, with my car keys in my hand I made my way over to my car.

Once I was in the car, I opened the glove compartment and there was the diary. Safe and sound. I took it out and made my way out of the car, locking it behind me.

"Ready!" I said as I got into Clara's car.

She put down her phone. "I just got a text from Peter, he said they're waiting for us outside of the hospital."

"Great, let's go."


As we got out of the car we saw the guys and the girls near the entrance, and Arthur and Katherine where in deep conversation.

"What are Katherine and Arthur arguing about?" Clara questioned, and I shrugged.

"I bet you 20 dollars that it has something to do with this whole mess." I said grinning. Clara turned to me with raised eyebrows.

"Alright, I bet it has something to do with Arthur and Katherine liking eachother."

"Deal." I said.

"Deal" Clara said and we laughed.

When we neared the group, we where greeted by everyone except Katherine and Arthur who where still intensely arguing.

"If you fancy me, than go ahead and ask me out!" Katherine practically yelled.

"I would but you're too busy flirting with that guy!" Arthur said irritated pointing over to a brown haired guy that was talking on the phone.

"Bloody hell Arthur! I wasn't flirting! He asked me a simple question!" Katherine threw her hands in the air.

"Right and he obviously wasn't flirting with you." Arthur rolled his eyes, sending daggers at the guy who was still on his phone.

"No he wasn't. Even if he was I wouldn't even consider flirting back, much less go out with him." Katherine said through clenched teeth. "He is not the one I fancy!"

"Fine then. Go out with me." Arthur snapped.

"Fine. If that'll get you off my back. Then fine."

They turned to us, glaring at each of our wide smiles.

"You owe me 20 dollars!" Clara contently said.

"What?" Katherine and Arthur said, both looking at us with a murderous stare.

"We bet on what you guys where talking about. Clara was right." I said with a shrug.

"I thought you guys would never go out on a date." Marlee said with wide eyes still shocked at what had just taken place.

"But you finally asked her out." Charles said with a smirk.

"Shut up." Arthur said with a smile starting to form on his lips.

Even Katherine wasn't glaring at us anymore, on the contrary she was also staring to smile.

We made our way to where Harry was staying, and once we saw him everyone started telling him about what had happened between Arthur and Katherine.

"Finally! Thought you guys would never go out." Harry said with a proud look on his face.

Harry looked and felt much better.

"Alright, so... changing topics do you remember anything about last night?" Katherine said.

Harry shook his head. "Sorry guys. I don't remember anything about last night."

We stayed quiet. "What happened?" Harry asked.

So we filled him in about everything. It's safe to say Harry was speachless.

"My question is why don't I remember anything at all?" Harry said once he was able to talk.

I shrugged. "I don't know. But I'm hoping that this will give us an answer." I said picking up the diary that I had set on the little table next to the left wall.

I flipped through the book. Until I came to an entry that had been written after the last one we had read. I read it out loud.

April 22nd 1732

Something happened to Lady Rose yesterday at the masquerade ball. She seemed strange, her normal personality was not present. Before the ball I had found her on the ground, her eyes... white. Then at the ball here at the house, she was cold and distant. Then when I was talking to a friend... she disappeared. I didn't know where she was. No one had seen her. That's when I heard a scream from the stairs, and I rushed there, fearing it could be her. But it was the towns teacher, dead at the foot of the stairs. I went outside and found Lady Rose outside almost dead. Bleeding and also with her eyes white like before.

I don't know what's happening but I think she was possessed by Lady Christina's ghost.

I looked up at my friends.

"Hold on. That happened yesterday... shit! So it's repeating itself." Peter said running a hand through his hair.

"Read the next entry. Maybe it says something else there." Clara suggested.

I read the next side.

April 23rd 1732

Lady Rose is back to normal. She doesn't remember anything that happened yesterday. I still think that all of this is somewhat... linked together. But I think that I know what it is-

"No no no no!" I yelled.

"What? What's wrong?" Harry asked confused at my sudden outburst.

I showed them the book.

"Oh you have got to be kidding me!" Arthur groaned. Clara took the book out of my hands, mouth hanging open

The bottom part of the text had been ripped out, as where the next pages.

"I think we need to have a little chat with Mrs. Elvia Ashton" I said glaring at the book.

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