Chapter 15 - Halloween Party

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*Samanthas POV*

Harry was laying on the couch, in the living room. With a large cut on his entire upper left hand, probably from the glass that had broken to pieces in the guest bathroom.

How that had happened? No fucking clue.

When I heard the glass shater all the way from the living room... I honestly freaked out. Then the fact that he hadn't opened the door, and his strained voice. Then when Peter opened the door... and Harry was laying there... face down, hand bleeding... and when we turned him over... his eyes had rolled completely back into his head, his beautiful blue eyes replaced by white. I had covered my mouth trying not to scream at the sight of him and the state of the whole bathroom.

We had all quickley finished decorating obviously keeping an eye on Harry. Now we where all waiting for him to wake up.

A movement from my right drew my attention to the black couch.
I hurried over to Harry who had just opened his eyes.

We all neared him.

As his gaze met mine, I sighed. He was alive. He was going to be alright.

"Hey man." Arthur said carefully.

"Hey guys." Harry said looking at each of us. He then seemed to remember something and looked down at his left hand, that was now bandaged. "How?" He asked looking at us with a confused expression.

"I cleaned the wound and bandaged it while you were passed out." I said with a small smile. I was quite proud of myself. He nodded, with a small smile of his own answering with a soft thanks.

"Harry, what happened in there?" Katherine asked, with a worried expression, and a trace of... fear.

Harry just shrugged with furrowed eyebrows. "I don't know, I remember the glass breaking, why? I have no fucking clue. Then a piece fell on my hand. Finally I slipped on one of the glass pieces that where on the floor."

Harry seemed a little bit disoriented after he woke up. But he was back to being his own self, as if nothing had happened at all.

As people where slowly arriving we decieded to take a selfie.

I was wearing a Robin Hood costume. The skirt reaching my thighs, and a cape reaching above my waist, the costume a everest green colour, and dark brown boots, with a pair of brown gloves.

Clara was wearing a black Charleston costume, with black high heels. All the accesories that belonged to the dress, made her look like from the 1920s.

Marlee was wearing a baby blue Genie costume. The pants where of a transparent material like the sleeves that started at her elbows until they reached her hands. Accompanied by a baby blue brallete that had a plunging neckline adorned with gold, leaving her stomach compleatly exposed. Also using gold high heels. She truly looked like a Middle East beauty.

Katherine on the other hand decieded to go as a Vampire. She wore a dark wine red tight dress that that reached her thighs. The dress had a black transparent material that looked like cobwebs that reached her neck leaving a slit open at the cleavage exposing her skin. Finishing the touch with a black cape, from the elbow to her hands the same material as the transparent one on her dress. With black fishnets and black high heels.

The boys looked definetly like characters from a movie.

Charles was wearing a Indigenous American costume that fit him just right. The top of the costume had no sleeves leaving his arms on show. He wore a black, white and red plume.

Peter went as a Viking, looking just like the ones out of the 11th century. His ginger red hair and the fact that the costume and accesories fit him so perfectly, made one imagine him as real Viking.

Arthur had decided to wear a King Arthur costume! Which ironically Arthur was his name. He wore a gold crown with rubies on it. A red cape with white fur on the sides, and the outfit underneath that was part of the costume, had the crest of King Arthur. My friend definetly looked like royalty.

Harry was wearing a Pirate costume. It even included a pirate sword. The mens white blouse he had underneath that was open at his chest made him look like a breathtaking pirate if I may say so myself. He was wearing a dark red bandana over his blonde hair His blue eyes fit perfectly with the colours of the costume.

"Dude, we look great!" Peter said with a grin as we saw the selfie.

"Tell us something we don't know." Clara said with a smile. Peter laughed and winked at her. We all laughed, the party was now definitely starting as everyone had arrived.

The music blasting so loud that I was thankful that my house was a little bit farther away from all the other houses. Everyone from our grade were wearing amazing costumes, that made the whole house look even creepier.

"You know this party is a definite hit." Harry said, with a smile as he stood next to me, as I was taking a sip of orange juice. Yes, I wasn't drinking alchohol. Hey someone has to stay clear headed.

"Thanks. It's all thanks to you guys who helped." I said smiling up at him.

Suddenly something strange flashed through his eyes. I couldn't make out what it was, but it sent a shiver down my spine.

"I'll be right back." From one moment to another his personality and the way he looked at me changed. He was cold and distant, totally the opposite of a few minutes before.

He walked away, and I lost sight of him in the midst of all the other guys and girls who where there. Seeing my girl friends in the middle of the dance floor, I made my way over to them, and thank God they where also not drunk like all the other people at the party.

We danced for who knows how long. It was currently 11:30 pm when the music slowed down to the song Let Me Down Slowly from Alec Benjamin. My friends and I sang the song with all the possible emotion that we had in us.
We had to go to one of the rooms that we where going to use to get rid of Cristina, but we still had a few minutes.

Suddenly as we where in the middle of the songs chorus, a scream sounded through the house, that caused everyone that had been dancing, or like us singing, including the music, to stop. As we heard something falling on the stairs right after the scream, I turned to my friends, all with a pale expression and wide eyes. I ran as fast as my heels would allow me to the staircase. That's when I saw a girl who I recognized from my Chemistry class, with her head completley turned and sprawled on the bottom of the stairs, a puddle of blood forming under her head. There was blood also coming from her torso, where a wound could be seen.

I screamed.

Turning around to my friends who where now behind me. I scanned there faces, already seeing Katherine calling somebody, probably the police.

But there was one face missing. It was the most important face. The one who had given me a weird vibe a few hours prior. Who I now noticed was the only person who hadn't been with us before the... incident.

I walked over to my friends as Katherine ended the call.

"I just calleed the police. They're on their way." She said, tears in her eyes. I nodded still shaking, tears of my own where rolling down my cheeks.

"Where's Harry?" I asked in a whisper.

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