Chapter 9 - Truth or Joke?

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A shiver went down my spine as Charles and Katherine said those last sentences. I suddenly didn't have an appetite anymore.

"Ok, but I mean is there any proof of people who've seen or been victims to this supposed 'cursed death' ?" I asked, still a little doubtful that this whole thing was true.

"Hmm I don't know. You guys know anyone?" Marlee asked, turning to look at the rest of the group.

A moment of silence passed until finally Arthur spoke up.

"There's this woman called Elvia Ashton that according to my mom, was born in that house back in the 50's and lived there until she was 20 or so. Now she's living in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia."

"You guys want to go? I mean I'm up for this whole horror story thing." Harry said. Everyone nodded.

I've never believed in the paranormal.

But... could my house really he hunted?...

Maybe I would get some answers...

Do I even want to know the truth?...

As I looked up I was met with everyone's stare. I nodded. "Let's go."

That's how we started planning.

"So how about we meet after school in the parking lot?" Harry asked.

"Yeah ok." I said with a new sense of determination.

"How about we take my car and Clara's? That way the boys come with me and the girls with Clara?" Asked Peter, and everyone nodded knowing that those two cars where perfect for there trip.

In just 3 hours we would be making our way to Virginia.


After school we met up at the parking lot, the weather was now cloudy instead of sunny like before.

I knew that the only people who went to my new school, where people with money, huge houses, more than one car, the newest clothes but once I neared the group I can't say that I wasn't in complete awe.

Harry was leaning against a royal blue Lamborghini Aventador Spider.

Damn does he look good... wait no shut up Samantha.

I mentally scolded myself.

Arthur was leaning against a red
Ford F - 150 SVT Raptor; Peter was leaning against a green Camaro ZL1 and Charles was leaning against a silver Ford F - 150 SVT Raptor.

Clara was standing next to a yellow Mercedes CLA 250; Marlee was standing next to a Pink Subaru WRZ STI, meanwhile Katherine was standing next to an Orange Audi TTS.

Once I finally reached the group the girls came up to me followed shortly after by the boys.

"Heyyy girl! So what do you think of our rides?" Katherine asked with a happy face.

I chuckled. "They're amazing! I love the colours of each one." Everybody grinned satisfied by my answer.

"But you obviously like mine better." Harry said with a smug smile and a wink.

I turned to him with a raised eyebrow. But I decided to play along. I mean what can go wrong.

*Shrugs inwardly*

I looked at his car and then back at Harry looking him over. Then looking back at his eyes.
"Oh I definitely do." I winked.

I tried not to laugh at his reaction.

He looked at me with his mouth agape. While the boys eyes went wide. The girls laughed like crazy and I couldn't help but join in as we got into Clara's car.

The boys got into Peter's car still shocked and I'm proud to say that Harry was the one that couldn't even blink as he got in.

I give up. Men are so gullible.

It was almost 4:30 pm when we arrived in Old Town Alexandria, Virginia. It was starting to rain
and when we got out of the car we felt the cold wind blow around us.

We asked around town if anyone knew where Elvia Ashton lived and soon enough we where standing outside house number 2309. It was a cute little home, it looked like it was cut out of a magazine.

"So, how are we going to start the conversation with Elvia?" Arthur asked scratching the back of his neck clearly stressed from this whole situation.

"We could knock and just say: Hey Elvia, did you ever meet a ghost and be close to death at your childhood home?" Said Harry with a playful smirk.

Hold on why did that look so much like a Damon Salvatore expression?

"Look let me just talk to her. 'Cause I don't think that's a good idea." I said with a small laugh and Harry just looked at me and said : "Ouch Caldwell" and everyone laughed.

"First girl to say that Mr. Carrington has a bad idea! I think you are officially my best friend Sammy." Marlee said.

"I second that!" Katherine yelled.

"I third that!" Said Clara.

We laughed together. While Harry just looked at us bewildered.
The boys soon joining in.

We walked up to the front door and rang the bell, a minute passed until the door was opened.

There in front of us stood a woman who didn't look a day over 60, but if this is Elvia Ashton she's probably in her 70's.

She had brown hair with streaks of white marking her age, wearing a baby blue dress with white engravings and a sweater the same colour as the dress, with pearls as earings and a necklace. She smiled kindly at us, the way a mother looked at her children.

"Hello kids, can I help you?" She said with a sweet voice.

I looked at my new friends and they nodded. So I turned to the woman standing in front of me and said the words that where at the tip of my tongue.

"Hi we're sorry to disturb you, but are you by any chance Elvia Ashton?"

She looked at us. "Yeah that's me darlin' what do you need?"

"It's about my house the one on Draright lane." I told her and once I finished saying that sentence, Elvia went completely pale. She looked at both sides of the street, and then ushered us inside closing the door behind us.

Then Elvia turned to look at our shoked expressions.

"You kids must know one thing before I tell you what I know." We nodded.

"This is for your safety and for the safety of every person you love and care about: That house is not safe. Not then, not now, nor in the future."

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