Chapter 33 - Call me Doctor Caldwell

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*Sam's POV*

I tried to hurry taking a shower, because of two reasons:

1. That way Harry still had warm water.
2. I didn't want to stay in the water more than necessary, after what happened.

I turned off the shower, and then stepped out onto the plush carpet, quickly getting dressed. When I opened the bathroom door I was greeted with warm air, which was came from the heater that Harry must have turned on.

Harry had taken his hoodie off, putting it on the heater to dry off. Now he was only wearing his sweatpants and socks. His upper body completely bare.

I gulped as my eyes trailed over his perfect back, but then I saw he was wearing a white cloth that was wrapped around his torso, that probably belonged to his injury. His black backpack was slung over his shoulder.

"Hey Carrington." I said, my voice still weak from before.

He turned around and gave me a careful smile.

"Hey Caldwell."

I stepped closer and pointed to his torso. "Does it still hurt?" He looked down at where I was pointing.

"Just a little bit. I need to change it after the shower."

I nodded, and he came up to me. "I would hug you right now, but I'm still dirty from the creek water." He said with a chuckle.

"Then go and take a shower." I rolled my eyes with a smile.

He then quickly went over to the bathroom and before closing the door he shouted. "I'll be right back Caldwell!"

I laughed in response, as I went to sit on my desk chair. I heard a incoming text message, and I went over to my bedside table where I had thankfully left my phone before we went for a walk with Rose.

Hi honey!

Hey mom, what's up?

You remember Alexa right? My best friend from New York?


Well, I saw her at the grocery store!

But she lives in NY... why is she here?

She's visiting her sister whose pregnant! She was planning on calling me, but since we already saw each other at the store, she invited me for a cup of coffee at her sister's house.

You're going over right now?

Yes, so I would be coming home later. Is that okay?

Omg mom, don't worry about me! You go and catch up with your friend, and tell her I said hello and congrats to her sister.

Ok, I'll text you when I'm one my way back. If anything is wrong just call me!

I will, have a great time! Bye.

Thanks sweetie, bye.

I locked my phone, and tilted my head back to look at the ceiling. This was good. That way my mom wouldn't see Harry and me with wet hair... she would probably jump to conclusions right away, and I couldn't exactly tell her what had happened. I heard the bathroom door open and I heard Harry curse, so I looked up and my jaw dropped.

He was standing there in the bathroom doorway only wearing grey sweatpants that hung on his waist loosely, his torso was now not covered by anything and damn. When I tell you he had a six-pack, I totally mean it. He also still had a gash, but it had been stiched at the hospital.

"Fuck. I can't do anything to save my life." He grumbled, at a clean piece of cloth he had in his hand.

I laughed at his expression, and he turned to me with a frown.

"Do you need help?" I was trying to stifle my laugh as he nodded, still grumpy. I got up and went over to him.

"Where is everything you need?" I asked him grabbing the cloth from his hand.

"It's in my backpack." He pointed over to the backpack that was lying on the floor.

I went to retrieve it and then put it on the bathroom sink with a groan. "How many things fit in this thing."

He chuckled and shrugged. "Who knows, the fact that so many things fit in there, surprises even me."

"Take out what you need." I said shoving the backpack to him. So he rummaged through it and a few seconds later took out a special cream. He nodded satisfied, then handed the cream to me.

"I'm supposed to put the cream over the stiches, and then the cloth around your torso... right?" I looked up at him while holding the items in my hand, wondering if what I had said was correct.

"Exactly Dr. Caldwell." He nodded, apparently amused at my question.

"Ok, now hold still. I have no clue if this is going to hurt." I mumbled under my breath as I set the cloth aside and then took the cap off the cream. 

"It's probably going to hurt." Harry tensed his muscles as I took a bit of cream on my finger. 

"You are not helping."

"Well sorry Doc." 

I glared at him and then put my finger over his stitched injury, and he hissed in pain. I tried to be as careful as possible while I applied the cream, but from his expression, I could tell that it definitely hurt like hell. 

"Done! Now I just need to use the cloth..." I quickly grabbed the white cloth that was laying on the counter, and then went to wrap the cloth around his torso. When it came in contact with the stitches, he let out a shaky breath. "I know it hurts, but just hold on a minute, I'm almost finished." 

A minute later I was done. I made a little victory dance as I saw that I had done a great job in bandaging him. 

"Thanks Caldwell." He sighed as he went to grab a white t-shirt from his backpack.

"You're welcome, and it's Doctor Caldwell." I replied with a flick of my hair and then I strolled out of the bathroom. 

I heard him chuckle, as he put on his shirt, and I turned to him. "Ok. So what now? You feel like going to get the sprig of Rosemary?

He grabbed his bag, walking over to my desk and set it down on the chair. "I thought you wouldn't want to go anywhere near the forest anymore today?" He turned to me, eyebrows raised and eyes that told me that he was surprised at my question. 

"Well you thought wrong." I informed Harry while giving him a pointed look. "I want to get rid of Christina, and nothing is going to stop me." I shrugged and he nodded understanding.

"Ok, then let's go." He started walking toward the bedroom door, but I told him a fact that caused him to stop in his tracks.

"Our hair is still wet... so unless you want to go back outside and catch a cold, we should probably use the blow dryer." 

"Right you are girlfriend." He gave me a smile and followed me to the bathroom.

"Glad you think so boyfriend." I winked at him, a smile also present on my face.

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