Chapter 8 - Smitters Family

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"The Smitters were a wealthy family during the the mediavel times. They had everything a person would want in the 14th century: money, power, high class, knighthood, beyond other things. One day Sir Ordeth and his wife Lady Martha Smitter found out they where expecting a child, and obviously it was splendid news. So once the baby is born and they see that that the baby a girl is, they raised her to be a beautiful and educated young lady." He takes a pause, taking his eyes off of me, he looks at the others.

He then continues.

"At young Lady Christina's 18th birthday, they where also celebrating her engagement to Sir Blackwell, who was 16 years older than her. But as she took a sip of her drink, she started to feel sick and before anyone could notice she was on the floor. With no pulse and completely pale. The once beautiful Christina was dead, and it broke everyone's hearts.
Soon her parents lost their mind, and just one year after Christina's tragic death, her parents Sir Ordeth and Lady Martha hung themselves at that same house."

Harry finished with a glum face, jut like everyone else.
While I looked shocked and traumatized.

"Haha you guys very funny. Really made me laugh my ass off. You guys can't be serious right?" I asked laughing, feeling like they where just trying to scare me.

"We promise it's all true!" Peter said.

"It's in every history book that talks about Washington D.C. Its even on the internet, look." Clara said pulling out her phone, and searching up Washington D.C history.

Sure enough all of it was true.

I was in complete shock.

This can't be happening...

I thought nervously.

"It's said that every family that has lived there gets this curse that one person dies from that family." Said Charles looking at me with a worried expression. Just like everyone else.

"So far, it has happened to every person that moves into that house. Your new house" Katherine said, with a scared look in her eyes.

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