Chapter 14 - Possesed?

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I grabbed the box that I had set onto the floor and crossed the threshold. The house was completely quiet. The only sound that sounded in the house where our footsteps.

"Damn, Caldwell your house is Halloween made." Harry says with a whistle as he takes in the foyer. Everyone was in awe, even Clara and she had already been here once.

"Thanks Carrington." I said with a roll of my eyes and a grin taking over my face.

I lead them to the huge living room with a view to the backyard that reached the start of the Rock Creek Park, only seperated by the tall wooded fence.

I set down the heavy box on the floor next to the black couch and sat down with a sigh as I turned to look at them. All of them set the things down, the girls sitting down next to me.

The boys sitting down on the cool floor resting their back on the wall.

"We have to get rid of her, 'cause I am so planning to do a sleepover here." Marlee said, looking around contently. Katherine nodded. "For once I actually agree."

We stayed like that for 5 minutes, until we finally stood up and made our way back outside to get the rest of the stuff.

The boys carried the boxes, since they where so heavy that Clara almost fell over with just one step. So we girls carried all the bottles of alcohol, Katherine almost opening one and taking a drink but was thankfully stopped by Arthur.

While we decorated the living room, the girls and I put on some music and started dancing and singing at the top of our lungs, the boys soon joining in.

Harry suddenly turned down the music, making us stop covering the TV with fake cobwebs.

"What's wrong?" I asked slightly breathless from all the dancing and singing. He smiled, with a shake of his head. "I just need to know where the bathroom is."

"Oh sure, you just walk down the hall and right before you reach the stairs, you'll see a door on your left, that would be the bathroom." He nodded and with a thanks he left for the bathroom. We went back to decorating but left the music low, so that we could talk.


*Harrys POV*

I made my way down the hall following Sam's instructions. This house was absolutely breathtaking even though it had a creepy vibe to it.

I arrived at the bathroom, and closing the door behind me I made my way to the sink to wash my hands since I had touched something from one of the boxes that was making my left hand itch like crazy. I turned on the water feeling satisfaction as the cold water hit my hands, making the itching disappear. I added some soap, my hands returning to normal.

As I looked up to see myself in the mirror, I was met with a pair of crazy blue eyes that belonged to the figure of a long black haired girl standing behind me. except she wasn't a girl. It was Lady Christina's ghost. She started smiling widley at me, and before I could do anything she took out a ancient looking knife with a ruby on the handle and threw it at the mirror, passing right next to my ear.

I jumped back, as the knife made contact with the mirror glass, destroying it into pieces, and falling onto the ground. A piece of glass cut the upper side of my left hand.

"Shit." I cursed under my breath. I looked behind me to where she had been standing. But there was nothing there.

Just as I was about to grab the door handel to get the hell out of there, I heard a whooshing sound above me, and I looked up, still clutching my hand that had started bleeding, thanks to the huge piece of broken glass.

Right above me was a strange gray mixed with black cloud which caused me to furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Then I heard the door lock, quickley I turned and tried to turn the lock so that I could get out of this bathroom, but it wouldn't budge.

A knock came from the other side of the door. "Harry? You alright? I heard something break."

It was Sam's voice.

"Sam! Just get me out of here..." I trailed off as suddenly I started coughing. I felt a sizziling pain from where the glass had cut into my hand, but something was happening.

"Harry?? Open the door. You have to unlock it. I can't open it from outside!" She spoke frantically.

The cloud that had been floating above me had started to enter through my fresh cut. It burned like fire.

I couldn't make a sound. Nor could I answer anymore. Everytime I opened my mouth I went into a fit of coughs that left me without air. I felt numb.

I could hear Sam talking to someone outside the doors, panic taking over her voice. Then I heard louder knocking accompanied by Peters voice.

I heard a voice. But this one didn't belong to any of my friends... this voice came from inside my head.

"Hello Harry."

Then I felt my legs give out under me, everything going pitch black.

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