Chapter 7 - New friends

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Finally the hour came to an end, and we made our way to the Cafeteria.

As we were talking, I wondered what the other people of the group where like.

When we entered the Cafeteria, we made our way over to one of the tables where two boys and two girls where sitting, laughing and goofing around.

They turned to us as we neared the table.

"Well, well, well look who decided to finally show up!" Exclaimed the blonde haired boy who was sitting there.

They all laughed, and it even made me smile.

They greeted each other warmly, and I could see that these were really good friends.

Harry turned to me and smiled confidently, then turned to his friends again.

"Alright you guys shut up and listen." Harry said this and as the others heard him they settled down.

"Thanks, I want you to meet a new friend I made. This is Samantha Caldwell, she just moved here."

"Hi guys." I said smiling at them.

"Hey, I'm Charles Patterson." Said the blonde haired boy.

"Hey, I'm Peter Landcaster." He was a red haired boy, and his hair reached just below his ears.

"Hi! I'm Clara Chamfay." Said the girl with the raven hair.

"Hello, I'm Katherine Halloway." Said the girl with light brown hair with blonde highlights. I noticed her strong British accent.

"Alright! Now, I don't know about you all, but I'm starving." Said Harry, groaning dramatically to make his point.

The boys laughed while the girls rolled there eyes. We all made our way to the lunch line, the boys way ahead of us.

"So Sam, it's ok that I call you Sam right?" Asked Clara.

"Yeah." I said and she smiled.

"Ok Sam, what do you think of our school?" Clara asked with a curious expression.

I chuckled and said: "I like it here, everyone's been very nice."

Marlee smirked. "Oh yeah everyone is nice. Especially Harry... am I right?" She wiggled her eyebrows, while I looked at her shocked.

"What?" I questioned, could they really read me that fast and easily??

"Well, he is cute and he seemed very taken by you! But don't worry none of us see him as something more as a friend." Said Katherine with a wink.

Damn she was right. Harry was definitely cute, but I had just met the boy!

"You don't need to answer that! This two are just hopeless romantics, you can tell us when you're comfortable." Clara said, scolding them with her eyes.

Once we where all seated again, we dug into our food.
Peter spoke first. "So girls, what where you talking about back there in line? Could it be about me, or one of the boys?" He winked, and the other boys looked at us either smirking or with an eyebrow raised.

"If you really want to know... we where talking about girl stuff. I mean if you guys want to know the details, do tell..." Marlee shrugged, her eyes challenging.

The boys practically yelled "No!",
the girls rolled there eyes and with that reaction the conversation was ended.

"Ok, going onto much more important matters..." Started Katherine. "I was thinking we should throw a Halloween party! Now that Samantha is here, it's going to be so much more fun." Clapping her hands at the thought.

I thought about volunteering my house for the party... but... oh what the hell.

"We could throw the party at my place, I mean it literally has spooky installed." I said shrugging. The boys exclaimed enthusiastically, and the girls started asking me questions about the space and the light and so many more things.

Suddenly Charles calmed everyone down and turned to me.
"So might I ask where you live? I mean since we're going to have the party at your house, we need the address." He stated and I nodded.

"Yeah sure, its Draright Lane, and the house number is 4506." As I finished saying this, everyone's face went pale, there eyes wide as they gaped at me.

"Y-you live at THE house on Draright Lane? T-the one thats h-haunted?" Said Clara, trembling.

"Yeah, it's - hold on, did you just say... haunted?" I said raising my eyebrows. I couldn't have heard them correctly... right?
Clara nodded glumly. Then Harry said something that sent shivers down my spine.

"Samantha, you do know the history of that place, right?" I nodded no slowly. Every single one of them turned to look at each other worried... and even scared.

"Well Sam, the house you're living in is one of the oldest ones here in D.C. It was built in the mediavel ages, and it was owned by the Smitters Family."

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