Chapter 32 - Underwater Hero

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*Harry's POV*

A piercing scream followed by a splash, made both Rose and me look in the direction of where Sam had been only a few seconds ago.

The husky beside me ran all the way to where she had been, and I ran almost as fast as Rose.

My heart felt like it had stopped beating at the sound of her scream, that sounded all around us.

Without thinking I jumped into the water fully clothed, while Rose barked at the edge.

I was enveloped by light blue water as I swam, trying to see where Sam was.

But I didn't see her anywhere.

I swam back to the surface to breath in some air and then I plunged back into the cold water. Since I couldn't see Sam anywhere near the surface I quickly made my way deeper into the blue water.


I knew that voice. It belonged to Christina.

It sounded so clear that it almost made me stop to look where it was coming from.

Keyword: almost.

I needed to find my girlfriend, and Christina couldn't stop me.

When I almost reached the bottom of the creek, I looked around me again.


There was Christina's voice again.

I swam to the left and then I saw her. Sam. My Sam was only a few feet away from me, floating in the deep water.

I never thought that I could swim as fast as I had at that moment. When I reached her, I immediately took her in my arms and started swimming back up to the surface. Her skin felt cold and she was unconscious.

I reached the surface taking in a deep breath, letting oxygen fill my burning lungs. I started to swim back to where Rose was still barking, with Sam in my arms.

But then I felt a cold hand grab my ankle and pull me down, dragging both Samantha and me back to the bottom of the creek.

I held onto Sam, not wanting to loose her. When I looked down I saw Christina's ghost somehow gripping my ankle, so hard that it almost caused me to not feel my foot at all.

My navy blue hoodie was getting heavier by the second and my black sweatpants where also not helping the situation.


She said yet again, and I tried to free from her grasp, kicking and moving so hard that I hoped it would somehow be enough to get her grip to loosen and for me to get both Sam and myself to safety.

Sure enough after more of my wild actions Christina lost her grip on me, and I swam as fast as I could, while my arms where still wrapped around the girl in my arms. I thanked all the American football practices that I had at school.

When I finally broke through the water and could breath again, I made my way to the edge of the creek and got out of the water.

I set Samantha on the grass, and Rose came up to us, whimpering at the sight of Sam laying unconscious. Since she didn't wake up, I started to do CPR.

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