Final Update

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Dear Readers,

I'm sitting in front of this screen, desperately hoping to say everything I need to before I melt into a puddle of tears. But here goes nothing.

I started writing this story almost nine months ago, never thinking it would amount to anything. I said, "Oh, maybe I'll write on this website. It looks cool, I'll try it." I got the idea for a story that was based on a depressed girl's journal entries, and I never thought that it would ever turn into anything. 

This story has meant more to me than you all could possibly ever know. Whenever I have felt bad about myself, or have had a bad day, I knew that I could write, and that means so much to me. I never imagined that my writing could somehow affect the readers, and that feeling is so amazing. 

Every character has been made up of parts of myself, and I've fallen in love with this story. I cried when I wrote Adam's funeral. I felt an ache when Sydney ran away at Homecoming. Everything in this story has meant so much to me to write. 

When I started writing this, I was very down. I was dealing with a devestating death in my life, I was reeling from losing friends, and I was very in love with the love in my life. All of those things are still relevant, but I have more things in my life. I have had the ability to write and to connect with people through a screen, and that has meant more to me than anyone could ever imagine. The feeling I get when I read your comments or see the number of views is one I will never be able to describe.

I just want to say that I'm thankful. I'm so thankful for everyone reading this, whether they are from my school or from halfway around the world. (WHICH IS SO COOL BY THE WAY) I want o just say thank you. Thank you thank you thank you. Thank you for giving me, and Sydney Daniels, a chance. 

I am forever grateful.

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