Chapter 17

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Rory was propped up on her side with her entire back bandaged. Much to Happy's dismay blood was already staining the white gauze as he took a seat beside her. "I'm sorry." He whispered. "This is on me. They did this because of me."

Petting her arm, Happy closed his eyes refusing to look at her any longer. He knew she'd want him to be out hunting for their daughter but he had no idea where to start. Whoever took her had an agenda and he waited, impatiently, for some call or ransom.

With little warning Unser and someone from the Lodi crime scene unit entered the room. "I'm sorry." Unser said. "We need pictures and forensic evidence."

"Can't you just leave her alone?"

"I'll be quick." The forensic investigator frowned sympathetically. "We just need photos and nail clippings."

Someone's voice cracked through the silence from Unser's radio. He excused himself, Happy following behind as not to watch, and answered the call. It was just something random although Happy prayed it was something about Emma.

"Hap," Jax jogged up the hall. "Someone called the clubhouse, Piney said he could hear a baby crying. We got a meet set for tonight, they said they have Emma.

"Fuck." Already heading toward the exit Happy could barely keep himself together. "Any idea where?" He asked as Jax quickly caught up and stopped him.

"Docks. Hap, it's the same spot we found you."

"Putlova." He growled. "He's fucking dead, Jax. I'm going to kill him."

"We get your kid back and you can do whatever you want to him." Jax could see Bobby and Clay lingering at the end of the hall. He clapped his hand on Happy's back. "Let me go talk to the club, Tig's here. You stay with Rory till we go, now cowboy shit, got it?"

Happy nodded. "Yeah."

Leaving Happy alone Jax walked to the others to plan their strategy for the meet that evening. As soon as he was out of view Happy turned and stepped back into Rory's room to find she'd woken up and was sobbing.

"It was Putlova." She cried into the mattress.

"I know. He's got Emma, Ror."

"What?" She stopped crying and willed herself to get up as if she could search for her little girl. No matter how hard she tried Rory could hardly move. "No. He said he wouldn't hurt her, Happy. Why did he take her?" She gripped the bedrail and began to pull herself up but Happy moved to her side and stopped her. "This is my fault." When she looked at him Rory couldn't hold it in anymore and began to wail. "It hurts, Hap."

Rushing, he hit the call button repeatedly and tried to soothe her. "Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. We'll get her back, I promise. This my fault and I'll fix it."

"It's my fault." She choked out.

"Piney got a call. She's okay right now. We're meeting tonight to get her. He just wanted to scare us. Emma is just fine."

Rory nodded but wouldn't believe it until she held their daughter. "It's bad isn't it?"

"Yeah." He said low. "You got hundreds of stitches. He," Happy hesitated, "He cut SAMCRO into your back."

Each cry hurt her more than last. She couldn't control the movements that wracked her body with every sob. "He said," she coughed, "That if I thought I was tough he'd patch me himself."

It didn't make complete sense yet but a picture was coming together this was most certainly delayed revenge. "Shhhh," he stroked her hair as a nurse and Tara hurried into the room.

"We're going to sedate you, Rory." Tara said locking her eyes on Rory's. "You need to rest and relax. I'm giving you something to help you sleep okay?"

"Please." Rory begged. "Knock me out."


For all you newer Happy readers, you should check out my Juice/OC story Firefly. As usual votes and comments are always appreciated! Thanks! Xo

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