stressed: Jungkook🖤

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Short asf. Basically just smut the whole chapter...oral, student y/n...idk man shx.

Before we begin though!!! It was somebody that requested a step brother one with jk and I deadass forgot who. If it's you then message me plz so I can write it and tag you😭.

Anyways, let's get it.

"Ughhh, fuck!" You grunted out of annoyance, taking the pencil you had been clenching in your hand and throwing it down hard on your opened notebook.

You were growing easily frustrated with the seemingly endless work you had to do. You were currently a senior in college and with finals coming up you had been extra stressed with the studying piling on top of you.

You being the perfectionist that you were wanted nothing less than an A. All your life you had made straight A's and B's. You didn't want to fuck up but you knew that if you kept up with being so easily ticked off then you just might.

"Fuck this. Fuck this lap top. Fuck this pencil. Fuck this raggedy ass notebook. Fuck this apartment. Fuck life! Fuck-"

"Now slow the hell down." Jungkook, your boyfriend said as he entered the room munching on an apple. "I pay the bills in this apartment if it's anybody that can say fuck you to it it's me." He said.

You sighed and threw yourself back on the bed, your head resting against the pillows. You had forgotten that you had just got your braids done meaning your scalp was sore as hell.

You winced and quickly sat back up from the sudden shock of pain, rubbing your scalp.

"Why is everything going to shit?!" You cried, basically throwing a fit. Jungkook pouted and made his way over to the bed, taking a seat next to you.

"Awwww what's wrong? Who hurt my baby?" He said, wrapping his arm around your body and pulling you close to him. You sniffle and bury your face in his chest.

"School! That's who!" You said into his shirt. Jungkook silently chuckled and rubbed up and down your back.

"It can't be that bad." He said.

"You don't know. You went to college for computing and shit. You're good with computers. I was never a social worker before I went to school for this." You groaned.

"Plus you already graduated." You said.

Jungkook only sighed and continued to rub your back with one hand as the other massaged your scalp.

"Well what can I do to help you?" He asked, kissing the top of your head. You sighed. He couldn't do anything.

"Take the finals for me?" You asked, looking up at him with puppy dog eyes. He laughed and pulled your body away.

"Now you know I can't do that." He laughed.

You shrugged and resumed your studying. "Well you can't do anything for me. Be gone, thot." You mumbled.

Jungkook clicked his tongue and stood up from the bed, stretching his limbs. The room fell into a comfortable silence as he looked down at you. He noticed that you wore nothing besides a pair of his basketball shorts, one of his shirts and a pair of his socks.

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