Chapter Twenty-Three- Andley

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Matt's POV

I was sitting on my bed, scrolling through tumblr from my laptop. I felt my phone vibrate inside my jeans pocket and reached for it. I was too wrapped up in tumblr to check the caller ID.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Matty!" I heard Quinn exclaim.
"Quinn, hey! What's up?"
"Nothing really I guess, I'm just glad I'm home."
"Home?!" I exclaimed happily. I didn't think he'd be coming back so soon. Wow, these months just flew by.
"Yea! Now are you coming over to my house or what?"
"I'll be there in a few minuets."
"Alright see ya then Matty."
"See ya then Quinn."

With that, we hung up. I knew I was probably smiling like an idiot but I didn't care. I hadn't seen Quinn in months and I couldn't wait to go to his house. I think today is the day that I'll tell Quinn how much I love him and how much I want to be with him.

I quickly set my laptop down and began getting ready. Fuck, I couldn't wait to see the love of my life.


I walked up the path that led up to Quinn's house. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. Not long after, the door swung open to reveal Quinn's mom in a Batman Snuggie.
"Hey Mr. P." I smiled.
"Hey there Matt." He smiled in return. He moved out of the doorway and I walked inside the house.
"Quinn's upstairs." Andy said. I nodded and thanked him before heading upstairs.

I got in front of Quinn's bedroom door and I could feel my heart thumping in it's cage. My whole body was shaking with nerves. I quickly pulled out of my own thoughts and knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I heard Quinn's heavenly voice exclaim. I opened the door and smiled at the sight of him, laying on his bed with his laptop resting on his stomach while he was typing.

"Matty!" He exclaimed, looking up at me. He quickly placed his laptop beside him and ran to me, jumping up and wrapping his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around his middle and smiled. He felt somewhat heavier since the last time I picked him up. Maybe he's started eating more.

"Matt we've got so much to talk about and catch up on." Quinn said before hoping down off of me.
"Alright, cool." I nodded.
We sat down on his bed together but then he he laid out.
"So how was tour?" I asked, laying beside him and facing him. His beautiful blue eyes lit up before he answered.
"It was great." He smiled.
"That's it?" I chuckled, "You travel to all 50 states and all you have to say is 'great'." "Well I kinda sort of have a boyfriend now." Quinn said, blushing slightly. I felt my heart literally break.. He already got together with someone? On the inside, I was hurt, but Quinn was my best friend, I was there for him no matter what.
"Really? What's his name?" I asked, hearing my voice crack.
"Justin.. He was the bus driver." Quinn answered.
"Wait- how old is he?" I questioned.
"24.. He's gonna be 25 next week." Quinn told me. Damn, he was way too old for Quinn. I don't think I really like this guy.
"Well uh that's cool." I said, putting on a fake smile.
"That's not all that happened though." Quinn said softly.
"What else happened then?" I asked. Quinn looked down nervously and scratched at his wrist.
"I got pregnant." He said almost at a whisper.
"P-Pregnant?" I stuttered. No.. No No No he can't be pregnant! I was supposed to tell him I loved him and we we're supposed to get married and have kids not him and that pedophile Justin.
"Yea, crazy huh?" He chuckled breathlessly.
"Congratulations Quinn. I'm happy for you." I lied straight through my teeth.
"Thanks Matt. I can always count on you to be here for me." He smiled.
"You're completely welcome." I said, smiling sadly.

A few silent moments passed before Quinn spoke up.
"Matt.. Do you remember the day I left for the tour?" He asked. I just nodded in response.
"What was it that you were really going to tell me?" Quinn questioned looking straight at me. Well this was my chance to tell him that I really loved him. This was my chance to tell him how I felt about him. Here goes nothing..
"I was gonna tell you that I love you.. A-As a friend. I mean, we've been friends since freshman year and you're my best friend. I-I love you like I would a brother." I explained.
"Oh. I um love you too.. Like a friend." Quinn said softly.

I loved Quinn, I really truly did but I couldn't ruin what he had with Justin. No matter how much I love him, I couldn't force him to be with me if he doesn't want to. I only wanted to see him happy. I wanted the best for him. I couldn't risk his happiness for my own.

"Hey, why don't we go downstairs and play some video games?" Quinn suggested, shaking me out of my thoughts.
"Sure." I nodded. We both sat up and stood up from the bed.
"Well since you already know.." Quinn said before removing his sweater, leaving him in a short sleeve black shirt. His belly was so big! Well not like huge but I'm not used to seeing Quinn with any ounce of fat. It was weird seeing him like that.
"I was getting hot." Quinn chuckled then began walking out of his room.

I followed behind him and we went downstairs to the living room. I sat on the couch and Quinn started up the Playstation before sitting beside me.
"Ready to kill some zombies?" Quinn grinned, turning his head to me.
"Hell yea." I smirked, grabbing the controller.


Soon, 6:00 rolled around and my mom called me so I could get ready to go home for dinner.

Quinn and I stopped playing video games and got up from the couch. We walked to the door and I opened it.
"It was really great hanging out with you again, I missed you a bunch." Quinn told me.
"I know, I've missed you too. I'll talk to you tomorrow." I said before engulfing him in a hug.
"See ya tomorrow Matty." Quinn said, hugging back. I pulled away and gave him a smile before turning away and walking off.

Quinn's POV

I closed the door behind Matt as he walked away. I sighed softly to myself as I locked the door.
"You okay Quinn?" I heard someone ask. I looked to see Jasper standing at the bottom of the stairs.
"I'm fine." I nodded. I made my way past him and upstairs to my room.

I laid on my bed, I needed a moment to think. Seeing Matt again was great but it made me feel the feelings I had for him before I met Justin. Don't get me wrong, I love Justin with all my heart but I don't think I'm completely over Matt yet. I don't know what to do.. Maybe I just need to ignore these feelings for Matt until they go away. Besides, he said it himself, he only loved me as a friend. For some reason, it crushed me inside when he said that. But what could I do? That's how he felt, and that's how I should feel too.

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