Chapter Nineteen- Andley

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-2 days later-

Quinn's POV

"Quinn, wake your lazy ass up." I heard someone say. I opened my eyes and saw Casper standing over me.
"Leave me the fuck alone." I mumbled, turning over.
"Mom said to wake you up cause we're gonna have a family day." Casper said before leaving the room.

I groaned before sitting up. I felt my stomach starting to hurt then I ran for the bathroom. I got to the toilet and starting throwing up. Yep, I still have morning sickness and it freaking sucks.
"You okay?" I heard someone ask. I looked up to see Justin standing in the doorway.
"Yea, just a little morning sickness." I replied, flushing the toilet. I stood up and walked to the sink.
"Don't worry, all of this will be over in a few months." Justin assured me.
"7 and a half months is very far away." I said before getting out my toothbrush.
"It'll be over before you know it." Justin said as I brushed my teeth. I rinsed my mouth out before putting my toothbrush back. Justin walked over to me and kissed me. I kissed back, wrapping my arms around his neck. He put his hands at my waist as he pulled me closer. I pulled away after a few seconds.
"I don't want my parents to see." I said. He nodded and we stepped out of the bathroom. I walked to the front with Justin behind me and my mom gave us a weird look.
"So we're gonna be having family time..?" I questioned.
"Yup, we're back in Missouri so I thought it'd be perfect to go see my grandparents." Dad answered.
"Oh okay." I nodded.
"Yea we'll be staying in their house for a week." Mom said. Fuck, that meant a whole week with out Justin because I knew they weren't gonna let Justin stay in Nan and Pop's house. I mean, I'm happy about seeing my great grandparents, I haven't seen them in like 2 years but I really just wanted to be with Justin.

I sat down on the couch beside Jasper.
"Dude why aren't you wearing a hoodie?" Jasper whispered to me
"They won't notice, my shirt is baggy and huge." I shrugged.
"Don't blame me when they find out." Jasper whispered again.


Mom, dad, the twins and I stepped off of the bus to see Nan and Pop standing there with smiles on their faces.
"Oh Ashley, I haven't seen you in forever!" Nan exclaimed as she engulfed dad in a hug.
"Nan it's only been 2 years." Dad chuckled. Nan pulled away, smiling before Pop gave dad a hug.
"Andy, you seem to be getting taller everytime I see you!" Nan smiled as she gave mom a hug.
"Thank you..?" Mom laughed as he hugged her back.
"Look at you boys, all grown up." Nan said before hugging the twins and I all at once.
"We missed you and Pop." Jasper smiled. Pop came over and hugged us too.
"We missed you boys too." Pop smiled.

We took our things and went in to the house. The rest of the band and Justin were staying at a hotel. I'd only been away from Justin for like a half hour and I already missed him.

Nan took us to the the room that we'd be staying in while mom and dad went in to the room they shared when they used to live here.

"I'll start on lunch in a few minuets, do any of you want to help me?" Nan asked.
"I'll help you Nan." I volunteered. I was just trying to keep my mind occupied so I wouldn't think of Justin so much.
"Come on then sweetheart." Nan smiled. I stood up from the bed and walked out of the room with her. We walked down to the kitchen where Pop was sitting at the table, reading the newspaper.

"What do you want for lunch?" Nan asked me.
"Grilled cheese sandwich." I answered. I'd been craving a grilled cheese sandwich since yesterday.
"Alright, I'll make grilled cheese sandwiches with some tomato soup. I'll teach you how to make home made tomato soup." Nan told me, getting out the ingredients. I just nodded.

I helped Nan prepare the tomatoes and what not but I still couldn't get my mind off of Justin. I was wondering what he was doing or if he missed me as much as I missed him.
"Dear, what's wrong?" Nan asked me.
"Nothing." I lied.
"You're my great grandson, I know when somethings wrong with you." She said stirring the soup in the pot. I started contemplating if I should tell her or not.
"Nan, can I trust you with something important?" I questioned.
"Of course sweetheart.
"You can't tell mom and dad though." I told her and she nodded.
"Tell me, sweetheart." She said.
"Nan, I'm pregnant." I whispered.
"That's wonderful, dear," she smiled, "who's the father?"
"My boyfriend Justin. Well he's my fiancé now. He's the band's bus driver." I explained.
"Well why isn't he here?" Nan asked.
"Mom doesn't like him for me cause he's 24 years old. Mom doesn't want Justin and I to be together." I sighed.
"When do you plan on telling Andy and Ashley about your little one?" Nan wondered.
"I don't know." I shrugged.
"I'll help you tell them if you'd like." She offered.
"I don't think I'm ready to tell them Nan." I admitted.
"Alright dear. Whenever you're ready to tell them, I'll be here for you." She smiled.
"Thanks Nan." I nodded.
"Anything for you, hun." She said before turning off the stove. We made the grilled cheese sandwiches and within a half hour, the food was all ready.
"Go get your parents and brothers downstairs for lunch." Nan told me. I nodded before heading upstairs. I knocked on my parents door first. Mom came to the door and looked down at me.
"What happened, Quinn?" Mom asked.
"Oh uh lunch is ready." I replied.
"Oh alright." Mom nodded. I walked down the hallway to where the twins were at. I knocked on the door and Jasper came to the door.
"Oh hai there." He said.
"Get your butt downstairs, lunch is ready." I said, poking his chest.
"Alright short stuff." Jasper grinned.
"I'm not that short. I'm average height." I argued.
"Average for a 15 year old girl." He laughed.
"Shuddup you.. Thingy!" I said before sticking my tongue out at him.
"Great comeback big bro." Jasper chuckled.
"I know, thank you." I said sarcastically before walking away.

We all sat at the table, everyone was eating, especially me. I was probably on my fourth grilled cheese sandwich and second bowl of soup.
"Someone's hungry." Dad chuckled as he looked at me.
"Well I'm just savoring the moment since we won't have real food for a while after this week." I said.
"True, I think I'll have some more." Jasper said before standing up. I stood up with my plate and walked out of the dinning room and in to the kitchen.
"Jasper!" I whisper-screamed.
"What?" He asked, looking at me.
"I told Nan about the baby." I whispered.
"Okay, what did she say?" Jasper questioned.
"She was fine with it. She even asked if I needed help telling mom and dad about it." I told him.
"Oh okay." He nodded. I grabbed another grilled cheese sandwich off the plate piled with them.
"Damn that baby sure does love grilled cheese." Jasper chuckled before poking my belly. Even with this baggy hoodie on, you can sort of see my baby bump.
"Definitely." I laughed as I took a bite out of the sandwich.

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