Chapter Seven- Andley

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Quinn's POV

Justin and I walked around the mall aimlessly.
"Hey look a candy store." Justin pointed out. I nodded and we started walking towards it. We stepped in and the sent of candy greeted us.
"I need some Jolly Ranchers" Justin said before walking off. I chuckled and walked over to a chocolate display. I grabbed a chocolate bar then went over to the cashier.
"Hey, I know you from somewhere." The blonde cashier said as she popped her bubble gum.
"I'm not from around here.." I said shyly before handing her a five dollar bill.
"Wait now I know you!" She exclaimed as she took my money.
"You're that kid that belongs to those band members." She said vaguely when she handed me my change. I just nodded and turned around, shoving my change in my pocket. I saw Justin run up to the cashier with a hand full of Jolly Ranchers.
"Don't judge me, I really like Jolly Ranchers." He said to me. I laughed as he paid for them all. We walked out and started walking around yet again.
"Where to next?" I asked.
"Hmm how about Toys R Us?" Justin smiled.
"You're such a little kid." I chuckled.
"I know." He said, rolling his eyes playfully. We walked inside a Toys R Us and people gave us strange looks. I shrugged it off and we started looking around at the toys.
"Do want something from here, Quinn?" Justin asked me since I was staring down the Batman display. I grabbed a Batman plushie with button eyes which was super adorable.
"Can I please get this?" I asked, trying to look adorable.
"Of course." Justin smiled. We walked up to the register and he paid for my plushie.
"Thanks Justin, I really love it." I smiled.
"Anything for you." Justin smiled at me. We walked out of the store and roamed around some more before we went to the movie theater in the way back of the mall.
"What movie would you like to see?" Justin asked.
"It doesn't really matter, we're not gonna be able to finish watching it." I shrugged.
"Okay guess that means a scary movie." Justin smirked before paying for our tickets. We got in to the theater and found seats way in the back. I didn't know what movie this was but I didn't really care, I liked spending time with Justin.

The movie began and then some demonic scary face popped up on the screen. I screamed and covered my eyes. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and I looked up through my fingers to see Justin holding me.
"Don't be scared, it's just a movie." He whispered. I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder, he still had his arms around me.
"Why did I ever let you take me to watch this." I muttered as another scary part came up. I heard Justin chuckle as I hid my face in his chest.

After a few minuets, I actually started watching the movie and became hooked. Then, after a while, the movie came to an end.
"What time is it?" I asked as we both stood up. Justin took his phone out from his pocket at pressed a button.
"9:00." He told me.
"Holy fucking crap!" I exclaimed. I grabbed his hand and yanked him out of the movie theater. My parents concert ended a fucking hour ago. I forgot all about the time. I freaked out the whole time Justin and I ran back to the venue.

I saw security by the back door where Justin and I came out of.
"Can I help you?" One security guard asked.
"Did Black Veil Brides leave the venue?" I asked.
"Are you some crazy fan?" He questioned.
"No, I'm Quinn Purdy, the bassist and the singer of the band are my parents." I told him.
"Yea right," he said sarcastically, "Let me see some ID."
I rolled my eyes and walked off with Justin. Maybe they went back to the bus. So that's where we headed. I opened the door to the tour bus and heard Uncle Jinxx on the phone as well as Uncle CC. They were talking about me, it sounded important like they were talking to police. I saw my mom crying his eyes out while sitting on my dad's lap. My dad was rubbing small circles on my moms back and whispering things to him. But I didn't see my Uncle Jake.
"I'm back." I said looking at everyone when I stepped fully inside. My mom looked at me and stood up then ran over to me and hugged me tightly. Mom started sobbing as he held me, and then I wondered.. Did they think something really bad happened to me? I saw Justin stand beside me then my mom let go of me.
"Where the hell were you?!" My mom shouted at me.
"At the mall.." I shrugged.
"So you don't even bother to tell anyone that?! I thought you got kidnapped! We called the police and everything! Jake is out there looking for you right now!" He yelled.
"I'm sorry mom.." I said in a small voice. Dad walked up to mom and placed his arms around mom's waist.
"Andy, just relax. At least he's safe." Dad told him.
"No, I will not fucking relax! Our son was out around town with out telling anyone, I thought something bad happened to him." Mom said. I didn't say anything at all as the tears came back to my mom's eyes.
"I'm sorry Andy, don't be mad at Quinn. It was my fault." Justin sighed.
"Quinn, I don't want you hanging around Justin anymore, do you understand?" Mom told me.
"But mom, that's not fair!" I exclaimed.
"I don't care, you heard what I said." Mom growled as he crossed his arms. I sighed heavily before storming off to the back room. I slammed the door behind me and fell on the bed with my face on the pillows.
"Don't let it get to you. Mom is just angry." I heard Jasper say from beside me. Maybe he was right.. All I knew was that I couldn't go all these months not hanging out with Justin. I didn't care what my mom had to say, I really like Justin and I'm not gonna stop hanging out with him because of this.

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