Part 22: "He told her he loves her"

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Jonah's POV

**Flashback to earlier**

"We'll catch up with you guys later we gotta go get ready for the day." I said as we all woke up in Sav and Zach's room.

I dragged the other boys out of the room giving the two of them time to themselves.

Zach followed us to the door and I was the last one to leave, "Tell her." I whispered to him.

He nodded and forced us out of the room, shutting the door behind us.

Jack, Daniel, Corbyn, and I stood in the hallway.

"I wanna know what happensssss." Jack whined.

"Well there's kinda something stopping us." Corbyn said, nodding at the door.

"It doesn't have to stop us." Jack said smiling.

"No. No we're not gonna spy on them. Let them figure this out and then they can talk to us." I said, shaking my head disagreeing with the rest of the guys.

"Jonahhhhhh" Corbyn and Jack said, begging me.

"Daniel help me out here." I said, looking to Daniel for help.

"I would but...I REALLY wanna know what's going on with those two."

I rolled my eyes and the three of them rushed past me, pressing their ears against the door.

"I'm not taking part in this." I said, crossing my arms and standing away from the door.

"C'mon Jonah this is good shit!" Jack said.

"Those are our friends!"

"SHHHHHH WE'RE LISTENING!!" Corbyn whisper shouted.

About a minute later, the three of them all simultaneously let out a gasp.

"What?! What?!" I asked.

"Oh sure NOW he wants to know." Daniel said, rolling his eyes.

"Just tell me." I said, hitting him over the head.

They all looked at each other and then back at me. All at once they said, "He told her he loves her."

"WHAT?!" I yelled my eyes almost popping out of my head. I ran up to the door and now I was the one eavesdropping. The other three boys joined me.

"SHHHH SHE'S COMING TOWARDS THE DOOR!" The four of us jumped back into our rooms on either side of them.

We watched from our rooms as Sav stormed out of the room and Zach stood in the doorway.

A couple seconds later that felt like FOREVER Zach went back in his room and Jack and Corbyn ran over to our room. I opened the door and let them in.

"What the FUCK?!" Jack said, his hands on his head.

"Did anyone else know he was in love with her?" Corbyn asked.

"I mean, I knew he was way into her but I didn't think it was like that." I told them.

"He fucked up big time. I mean, I could've told you she wasn't ready for that." Daniel added.

"What are we gonna do?" Corbyn asked.

"WE are not gonna do anything. It's THEIR issue." I told them.

"JONAHHHHH!!" They all begged me.

"No. I'm not getting involved." i said, standing my ground.

"Really Jonah? You want them to live the rest of their lives wallowing in what could've been? What might be the love of their lives wondering if they had just TRIED if they would've been THE ONE." Corbyn said, starting to guilt in me.

"Do you REALLY not wanna be involved?"

I looked at all of them.

"Jack and Daniel go talk to Zach. Corbyn come with me."

They all cheered.

"I hate all of you."

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