Chapter 4

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Y/N Pov

Me and daichi were walking home. I can't wait for the date. I thought as I ate my spicy meat bun. I took out my phone and texted kiyokosenpai


Can you be the best
senpai and cover for
me on sunday?

If daichi asks where i am
say we are at your house
having fun
                                               Your reason?

                                               Have fun!
                                           don't forget to                                                                 SENPAII!!                                  use  THAT

                                            Hai hai

"N/N what are you so excited about?" A familiar voice asked. I jumped up. "Uh-nothing-" I said nervously. "Hmm really? You are smiling" daichi said.
"Fine. Ramen." I lied. "You only think about food don't you?" He said petting my hair and smiling. I smiled.

*Time skip*

I got ready for my datee. "Ding" I looked at my phone to see suga's text


                                 Meet you at the park
                                   Don't tell daichi
                                 I don't want to die

Hai hai
Meet you in 5

//Convo end//

I smiled and put my phone down

"Have fun at shimizu's" daichi said as I freezed. "Haiii" I lied and left. Oof-
That was fawking scary.

"Konichiwa" I said in suga's ear as he was standing on the park waiting for me. "AHHHHH" He screamed and jumped up and karate chopped me.
"Ow you didn't have to hit me" I said holding my nose. "Ahh Y/N-san gome gome are you okay? Please tell me you are okay? You scared me-" he said kneeling beside me. I chuckled at his panic. He looked towards me in confusion. "You-hahaahah looked so funny- like oh my god i KILLED HER-hahahah" I laughed. He looked at me in confusion but laughed too. 
"Does it hurt?" He asked cupping my face. "N-no its fine" I said flustered. "Okay then! Lets go" he said dragging me by my hand. I wish je would had kissed me to make it better.

We were siting at the movie theatre.
I felt someone hold my hand. Suga's hand was resting on my hand. I relaxed slowly and leaned on his shoulder. I couldn't see this face clearly but i could tell he was flustered. I smiled.

"Lets have ice cream!" I exclaimed dragging him by his hand to the ice cream stall. "One F/F ice cream. Sugaa what will you havee?" I asked. "F/F" he answered. "I will pay" I said.
"No I will" he said taking out his wallet. "How about we split?" I asked. "No". He said handing the money. "No I will payy!" I said as he dragged me.
I pouted as we sat in a bench eating ice cream. He chuckled. "You coming on a date with me is enough. You don't need to payyyy" he said.  I looked away pouting.
"Y/N-saaaannnn" he said giving me puppy eyes. "Fine" I gave up.  We ate the ice cream in peace. It was a comfortable silence.  "Um-uh-you have a-" suga said pointing to the corner of lips. "Oh gome" I said rubbing my lips. "Its okay" he said and smiled.

We were walking holding hands. My phone buzzed.

                                 Will be home late
                     Ashahi called to hangout
                    Take care. Be home by 8pm
                       Avoid shady people
                          Call me if you are scared           
                           or in trouble
                         Food is in the fridge
Hai hai
Don't worry
Have fun ni-san

//Convo end//

"Ne suga-san do you want to come over?" I asked. "Wo-won't daichi be mad?" He asked in fear. "Don't worry. He will be home late. Most probably by 10pm. Its 6pm now" I said smilingly. He agreed.

We entered my house. "Lets go to my room" I said. He nodded and followed.
"Nice room" he said. "Thank you" I said.  He sat down on the bed. Flustered.  "Are you okay..?" I asked.
"Ha-hai it's just I have never been to a gi-girl's r-ro-room" he said still flustered. I internally smirked. I sat beside him.
"Who knew The Sugawara Kóshi is actually a closeted pervert?!" I gasped. "I AM NOT A PERVERT!" He exclaimed. "Yeah? Can be seen" I said sarcastically. "TAKE THAT BACKKK" he said. "nO" I said. He then jumped on me pinning my against the bed. I blushed but composed myself. "See I was right you are a pervert" I said. He suddenly started tickling me. "Wha-stop-HAHAHAHAHAHAH-STO-HAHAHAHAAAH" I laughed. "Am I still a pervert?" He asked. "Ye-hahahahh" he tickled more. "Hahahahah-no fine stop tickling" I said. He stopped. I breathed peacefully. "You are dead" I spoke in a dark tone as suga cowered in fear. I pinned him down and started tickling him. He laughed and said to stop. "Will you ever tickle me more?" I asked. "Hahahaha fine no stop" he said. "Good" I said and stopped tickling him. He was red. I looked confused. I soon realised the position we were in. My knees were between his legs. "Gome" I said as I retreated.
"Its okay" he said rubbing the back of his neck with his hand. "Snacks?" I asked. Opening my table drawer.

"No snacks at night
                         - you best oni-san"

A note said. "Huh?" I blurted out. "Is something wrong?" Suga asked. "Now he wants to confiscate my snacks" I said in a dark tone. "Are you okay?" Suga said hiding behind the pillow. "Yosh! Come with me we are doing operation rescue my snacks" I said dragging suga by his hand. 

"Are you sure daichi won't be mad?" He asked. "Oh he will be but don't worry. I am more powerful" I said bragging. "Oi help me" I said to him. After tons of finding, we still can't find it. "Where is it?!" I yelled in annoyance. "Calm down" suga said trying to calm me down. "Ah yes! That's righttt. YOU ARE A GENIUS!THANK YOU SUGA!" I exclaimed and kissed his cheek in happiness. I went to his study table. Lowest drawer. He has a fake cardboard in the drawer. I took out the fake cardboard.

"Nice try but you will never find it
                     Give up.
                                    -your best oni-san"

Another note read. "That damn brat. He changed the location. Tch" I muttered. "Its fine we don't need snacks" suga said holding my shoulders. "but I want snacksss" I whined. "You can have me instead" suga said. I- my face turned red. Redder than tomato. "I-I don't know why I said that-" suga said looking away trying to hide his flustered face. "Well don't say it if you are going to get flustered about it!" I said still flustered. "Lets go to my room". I said he agreed. I quickly went to the kitchen and fortunately found some pocky.

"Here. Only thing I found" I said handing him one pocky and putting the other on in my mouth. "You know I can't wait for that new manga to come out like it's SOO GOOD" I rambled. "Y/N" suga spoke. "Hmm?"I amswered putting another pocky inside my mouth. He suddenly leaned in and bit my pocky, our lips barely touching each other. He retreated and I tried to hide my face with the pillow. "I-um I-" I stuttered being redder than tomato. "Did I make you uncomfortable?" He asked. "N-no it wa-was ni-n-nice" I stuttered. "Good i am happy" he smiled. My face turned more red.


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