Chapter 46 - One Year On

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Crutchie's POV

I looked up at Jack only seconds after I woke up, smiling as I saw he was still asleep. I looked at him for a while before he finally opened his eyes, smiling back at me. He pushed my hair off my face gently as he woke up a bit more, continuing to smile as he did so.

"How long have you been awake?" He asked, looking into my eyes as he spoke.

"Not that long," I kept smiling at him, studying how the light fell across his face through the blinds. "You work today?"

"No, not today." He then smirked, no longer playing with my hair. "So, how about I make us some breakfast?" I smiled even bigger, nodding a bit.

"Sounds perfect," I said, causing him to sit up and get out of bed.

I did the same and grabbed my crutch, heading over to the window in our bedroom. I opened the blinds and looked around, seeing that it was a clear, sunny day. Jack had already left to begin breakfast, so I decided I'd go get our mail. I went down the hallway and headed out the front door, the warm weather instantly hitting me. 

I pulled out three envelopes from our mailbox, which was more than usual. Without looking at who they were from I went back inside, sitting at the dining table. 

The house Jack and I lived in was smaller, even though it had three bedrooms. There were also two bathrooms, and the kitchen was connected to the dining room, making it feel open. What was meant to be the living room was more of an art studio for Jack, and sometimes I'd write in there as he painted. 

"Lot of mail?" Jack asked as he cooked, looking at me.

"Just a bit, first one's from Race," I said, and Jack smiled. I opened it and began to read it aloud to him, as we usually do.

Hey guys!

Things back here have been the same, except Les is real excited about turning eleven soon. Things with Romeo and his girlfriend are going well, and he keeps talking about her. It's annoying. I might go crazy from it. 

Bit of a shorter letter this time, but again, not much has happened here. But, here are my questions for you! Have the adoption people gotten back to you yet? Crutchie, have you finished your book you were trying to write? Jack, did you successfully paint a waterfall, as you went on and on about in the last letter? Still liking Santa Fe? 

Thats all! I hope to hear from you soon.


We laughed at parts of his letter, especially hearing about Romeo and his girlfriend. I set the letter aside, looking at Jack.

"I like how he wrote 'the adoption people.'" Jack laughed, and I did the same. "What next?" He couldn't look at me this time as I began to open the letter, as he was focused on whatever he was making us.

"This one is from... Oh! Medda!" I saw Jack smile big as he looked down, so I tried to open the letter as quickly as I could.


I'm sorry for my late response. I got wrapped up in some stuff back here. But, I'm glad to hear you got the job! I told you that you'd get it. I'm sure the adoption agency will approve you two quickly. 

I've still been using the backdrops you made me back here, folks still love them. I'm going to be sending some money for your work, even though I know you don't want me to. 

As for your big question in the last letter, the answer is yes. You should get a dog. I think it'd be great to prepare you two for when you have kids. By the way, how is Crutchie? I'd love if you could include some more of his stories in your response again, they were great last time.

~ Medda

Jack walked over to the dining table and set down two plates, each with scrambled eggs and toast on them. I smiled at him as he sat down, and he smiled back.

"She's always so nice," I said as I set the letter down, grabbing the last one as Jack started to eat. 

"She's never going to stop sending money," Jack joked, making me laugh. I opened the envelope for the last letter, not reading who it was from. As I unfolded the letter I felt my heart begin to pound, realizing what I was reading.

Jack and Charlie Kelley,

Thank you for your application to adopt a child. We know this is a very big step, not only to you, but for the child. After reviewing your application we have determined that you fit our criteria to adopt. We have a child ready for you to bring into your family, and will need a response from you before we can continue the process of bringing them into your home.

 As soon as you receive this, we ask that you respond quickly, either denying or accepting the new addition to your family. We do this in order to make sure you are ready to go through with the process. Below, you will find information about the child we found best fit your home. Congratulations.

Name: No known name
Age: Six months
Gender: Female
Background: Was abandoned at the Santa Fe Fire House a month ago

We look forward to your response.
- Santa Fe Adoption Center

"Crutchie? What is it?" Jack asked as I stared at the paper, my eyes wide. I slowly looked at him, in total awe.

"We were approved," was all I could say, beginning to smile. 

"What?" Jack asked in disbelief, staring back at me.

"We got approved, we have a kid," I noticed I was speaking quickly from my excitement, my smile only growing. 

Jack got up and threw his arms around me, and we both hugged one another for a while, not saying a word as we were still in shock. Eventually Jack let go and looked at the letter for himself, then turning back to me, hugging me once again. 

"We did it," I said as we held one another, tearing up from happiness.

"I told you we would." Jack said, holding me tighter yet.

The End.

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