Chapter 18 - Dying

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Crutchie's POV

I woke up the next morning, feeling a little confused. I forgot for a second that I had run away. I was shivering from the cold, ad since I left on such an impulse I didn't have any other clothes to layer myself with. I got up, looking around the alleyway I was in. I hadn't seen it in the sunlight yet, and I saw that it was pretty empty, just a few trash bins here and there. 

I spent that day walking around the nearby streets, trying to find work and maybe some food. I was starving since I hadn't eaten for a day and a half now. I walked and walked, but couldn't find anything. The sun was already setting and I headed back to the alleyway I was in the night before. I got there and laid down right away, heading to bed since I felt so exhausted.

The next day I woke up just the same, but I could tell I was far, far weaker already. I had to get food. I didn't grab any of my money before I left like an idiot. I went into any store I could find, asking if they were hiring. I got turned away at every single one, some even laughing as I left. 

"Get the fuck out," one shop owner yelled, shoving me to the pavement. I hadn't even said anything, all I did was walk in. I landed on my ankle, and nearly got sick because of how awful it hurt. I wished I could go back to Jack, but I couldn't. I didn't want to cause problems, and I probably couldn't even make it there anyways. 

I went back to the alley, laying down. I knew I was running out of time. I was only three days into this, and that was even counting the day I left, and I was going to starve to death. I knew I was too weak to keep fighting for the day. I laid there, feeling the wind blow my clothes against my body.

I didn't know what to do at this point. I was already this weak today, how weak would I be tomorrow? I was trying to decide if I should stay there and accept what would happen, or I could try to get back to Jack, probably passing out halfway there and having the same fate either way.

I started to cry as I thought about Jack. Part of me wished I had stayed and never ran away. However, the other part kept reminding me how much better off Jack will be. I stared at the sky, wishing I was holding his hand. Wishing I could play cards with Romeo and Race. Wishing I could lay my head on Jack's chest and listen to his breathing. But, instead, I was alone in an alleyway, shaking from how cold I was. Eventually I grew so tired that my eyes closed on themselves, even though I was still lost in thought.

When I opened my eyes the next morning, I was hoping I had dreamt it all and I was back with Jack. Not just me running away, but that I had dreamt everything that happened with Tommy, and my ankle was better. But as I saw my pale skin with goosebumps all over, I knew I was still in the alleyway, starving to death.

I tried to get up, but was shaking from how hungry and weak I was. I tried to walk, but I fell to the ground, unable to hold myself up anymore. I laid on the ground and was done fighting. At least Jack won't have to worry anymore, I thought, wondering how long it would be before I died.

I closed my eyes, imagining that I was in the penthouse with Jack. I wanted him to hold me until I was warm and run his fingers through my hair. I missed him so much. He was all I thought about. I wondered how much better his life was going now that I was no longer there to drag him down.

I started to cry as I thought of him, wanting to see him one more time before I went. I just wanted to look into his eyes one last time. I wanted him to hold me one last time. I was so weak and exhausted that I fell asleep right there, thinking of him holding me.

Jack's POV

None of us had stopped looking for Crutchie in the following days. I had barely slept and stopped selling while I looked for him. Race went around to other newsie terfs to tell them to look out for a small, blonde kid with a crutch, but we still hadn't heard anything.

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