Chapter 39 - Trauma

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criticism spot! :)

Crutchie's POV

I woke up an hour or so before the morning bell, only getting a few hours of sleep. I turned to face the skyline, my back touching Jack. I continued laying there, feeling absolutely worn out both emotionally, and physically. Minutes before the morning bell rang I felt Jack move, and he soon wrapped his arms around me. I didn't turn back to face him like I normally would, as I didn't want him to see how tired I was. 

"How're you doing?" He eventually asked, his voice scratchy. I sighed, fighting the urge to turn and look at him.

"Better, I guess." I said, talking quietly.

"Do you want to sell today?" He spoke quietly as well, and I finally turned to face him. I nodded, wanting to occupy my mind. "How much sleep did you get?" He asked, pushing my hair off my face.

"I dunno," I said, and even I was able to hear how destroyed I sounded.

"Are you sure you should sell?" Jack spoke softly, and I nodded again. "Okay. I'll get you some clothes," he said, getting up. 

I sat up while he picked out what I was going to wear, trying to get the strength to stand. I felt absolutely defeated, as though if I stood up, I'd be knocked back down again. It wasn't only from everything Snyder had been saying to me for over a week, but also becasue I had lost every bit of progress I had made. Jack gently sat down clothes beside me, walking back to his own clothes and changing. I got changed as well, and we began to go to the Square.

We remained quiet as we walked, and I felt as though time was moving in slow motion from how tired I was. I felt bad for not talking, but I didn't have the energy. Eventually I heard footsteps behind us, and turned to see Race, Specs, and Romeo joining us on our walk.

"Morning!" Race called with a smile, and I tried my best to smile back. As the other two caught up, Race leaned in a little to me as we kept walking. "How're you doing?" He asked, knowing that I was struggling real bad. 

"I've been better," was all I said back, and he smiled at me with empathy. 

"Tell me if ya need anything, okay?" He said, and I nodded. He then joined in on the conversation Romeo, Specs, and Jack were having, but I tuned them out. As badly as I wanted to joke with them, I didn't have enough energy. 

After we got our papes we all stood in a group as usual, still joking with one another. I remained silent, standing behind Jack a little so that no one would talk to me. I began to get completely taken over by my thoughts, beginning to hear Snyder's words once again. It only lasted a few seconds, however, as I was brought back to reality by the fellas laughing harder than usual. I didn't laugh, as I clearly hadn't heard the joke, so I just stood there. As they calmed down I saw Romeo look at me, raising his brows.

"Damn Crutchie, not funny enough?" He said, making almost everyone look at me, besides Jack. I stared back at Romeo, unsure of what to say.

"He didn't get a lot of sleep," Jack quickly defended, knowing that I wouldn't respond. 

"He's bringin' down the mood," Romeo continued, and I tensed up. There was a bigger group of fellas around us now, but that wasn't unusual. However, I still couldn't help but feel nervous about it for some reason.

"He isn't doing anythin'," Race said quickly, wanting to end the conversation.

"What's up with you anyways, Crutchie? You've been a real downer for days now." A boy named Todd said, but I found myself unable to respond again.

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