Chapter 22 - Sick (Part 1)

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Criticism spot! 

Just a note, kinda a spoiler ig, but NO, I do not kill Crutchie off. I could never. <3 THIS CHAPTER IS REALLY REALLY LONG!

TW: this chapter has talks of weight once or twice. I will put a * before, and a *** after, so you may skip it if it's a triggering subject for you. 

Crutchie's POV

I had hardly slept through the night, waking up every half an hour or so from how cold I was. When Jack woke up, he rubbed his eyes and yawned, sitting up to stretch. I stayed laying down, and Jack turned to me, smiling.

"Feeling any better?" He started to run his fingers through my hair, speaking quietly.

"Not at all," I said, coughing as I finished the sentence.

"Shit, how long have you had a cough?" He sat up more now, looking worried.

"I dunno, it started at some point last night." I said, wanting to go back to bed.

"Maybe you should stay in the lodging house, just until you get better, hm?" He got up, getting changed for the day.

"No, no. I'm okay here." I said, closing my eyes again.

"You seem in real bad shape, though, Crutchie," He knelt down beside me again and I opened my eyes, giving him a smile.

"I'll be fine. I bet I just need one more day of rest, okay?" He stood up, getting ready to head down the ladder.

"Fine, but if you're not any better tomorrow, you're going in the lodging house." He sounded like a worried Mom as he spoke, and I couldn't help but keep smiling.

"Deal." I said. He gave me one last look before he disappeared down the ladder. 

I spent the entire day trying to sleep, but every time I'd almost be out, I'd have a coughing fit and have to start the cycle back over again. I was shaking a little more today and noticed that I also felt super weak, even though I hadn't gotten up to do anything. Throughout the day I kept taking all of the layers that were on me off, and then putting them back on within minutes. My body was aching and I just couldn't feel comfortable at all, no matter how hard I tried. 

Finally, I heard Jack coming up the ladder and felt good for the first time in hours. I just wanted him home. He got up the ladder, smiling at me, but then quickly coming to my side.

"Crutchie, you look worse then when I left," he said, pushing my hair back.

"I'm oka-" I had a coughing fit in the middle of my sentence, and once I was done, I could see just how scared Jack looked. 

"You're staying in the lodging house tonight." He said sternly, standing up and grabbing some of my stuff.

"That wasn't the deal," I tried to joke, wanting him to calm down a little.

"I don't give a fuck what the deal was, you're staying there. I'm going to talk to Race, I'll be back." He went down the ladder once again, and I laid in silence, coughing every now and then. Before I even had time to fully process what was happening, I was finally able to fall asleep for a little bit.

I woke up a bit later to Jack gently moving me, and I noticed it was dark out now. I tried to sit up, but was met with a coughing fit. I set my elbows on my knees and put my head in my hands, wanting to feel better more than anything.

"Hey, c'mon. Let's get you inside, okay?" Jack spoke quietly, standing up.

"I don't want to go inside," I whined. If it was hard to sleep the way it was, I couldn't imagine how hard it'd be without Jack. I looked at him, and he looked heartbroken.

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