Chapter 5 - Selling

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Crutchie's POV

I woke up a bit before the morning bell in order to watch the sunrise. I hadn't slept well the night before because of how cold it was up here. It had been a chilly day, so I knew the night would be cold. However, I wanted to sleep up here anyways, with Jack. I didn't really know any of the other fellas yet. I had been selling papes for four or five weeks now, but it took me a while to even begin speaking to any of the fellas. I like em, though. They're real patient with me and are willing to help if I need it. It feels like a family.

As I sat myself up to watch the sunrise, I felt something slip off my chest and down to my lap. I looked down and realized that Jack had set his jacket on me last night. I must've been shivering real bad last night... I thought. Jack always showed his soft side with me, but was a real tough guy when we were with the fellas. I didn't blame him, I mean, I wasn't the same around them as I was around Jack either. I'm sure he has more at stake as well, being the leader of em. 

Jack sat up after a few minutes, stretching and facing me. 

"Morning Crutchie," he said, getting up and walking over to me. "Ready to check your back?"

Jack insisted that we keep an eye on every single injury of mine until they were fully healed. They nearly were, but he still checked anyways. I nodded and began unbuttoning my shirt, pulling it down and off my arms.

"Lookin' good! I don't think we gotta check em anymore." I smiled and faced Jack, and saw him smiling as well. "Here, lemme help you up." He reached his hand out to me and I took it, still smiling. I hopped up and balanced myself on the railing in front of me. Jack walked back to his side and began getting dressed for a day of work, as did I. The morning bell rang soon after.

Jack climbed down the ladder and waited for me to toss down my crutch. I threw it to him, climbed down, and we made our way to see the headline for today.

"What we got today, fellas?" Jack asked, going up to Romeo and Race.

"Oh, wait til ya hear this, Jack. 'Bread Prices Rising in New York.'" Race said, rolling his eyes as he read the headline.

"It's been a while since we had one this bad," Romeo replied, turning away and getting in line to get his papes. Jack turned to me, and took a second before sighing deeply.

"Well, guess we have to be a bit creative today." Jack said, turning away as well.

"He ain't gotta try too hard with that bum leg." One of the fellas chimed out, Jack quickly turning to them. I still didn't know the name of every boy, and he was one I didn't know. Jack walked up to him, furrowing his eyebrows and getting inches from his face.

"He's a better Newsie than you could ever be. You better watch your damn mouth next time, kid." Jack backed up and got back in line. He looked at me, and I broke the moment of eye contact that we had and looked down. I got in line as well without saying a word.

I sold my last pape earlier than usual and began making my way to Jack's corner. I hadn't made enough to get food for a few days, and it was taking a toll on my ability to use my crutch. I didn't think it would be as tiring as it is. Before I got too far, I took a break against a wall to try and get my bearings. I watched people walk past, and soon I saw Jack running to me with a smile.

"Just sold my last pape! How 'bout you?" He said excitedly. 

I breathed deeply before replying, "yep, sold em all." 

"Hey, you okay?" Jack asked, sizing me up.

"Yeah, yeah. Just need a moment." I answered. 

"C'mon, let's get you some food," Jack said, grabbing my arm and putting it around him.

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