Chapter 25 - Writings

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Criticism spot!

TW: light s*lf h**m, talks about the r**e from two chapters ago.

Crutchie's POV

I jumped when I felt a hand in my hair, turning around to see Jack smiling at me. He sat down behind me and wrapped his arms around my chest, smiling.

"I didn't miss anything yet, did I?" He said, resting his head on my shoulder.

"No, it hasn't started. You can tell because the sun isn't in the sky yet," I teased, giggling.

"Oh shut up," he laughed too, settling down more.

"Why're you awake so early?" I asked, watching the sky.

"Because I wanted to watch the sunrise with you."

"Ain't you gonna be tired?" I asked, seeing the colors start to show up.

"I'm always tired," he sighed a bit before taking his arms off me, coming to sit next to me instead.

"Hm? Have you not been sleepin' well?" I looked at him for a moment before looking back at the sunrise not wanting to miss anything.

"Nah, haven't been for a few weeks." He rubbed his eyes and yawned, watching the sky, too.


"I keep havin' dreams about the refuge. That's all." I looked at him again, keeping my eyes on him.

"Why don't you wake me?" I put my hand on his knee, causing him to turn to me.

"Cause you need sleep. You've just started being able to get through the night." He gave me a kind smile, referring to the fact that I was unable to stay asleep throughout the entire night for a couple of weeks after what happened with Tommy.

"Wake me up from now on, m'kay?" He sighed and turned back to the sunrise, staying quiet. "Hey, I'm serious." He looked back at me again and smiled.

"Okay, okay. I will."

We watched the rest of the sunrise in silence, both totally distracted by it. Eventually, the morning bell rang, causing Jack to get up. He walked over to my clothes before looking at me, smiling.

"What do you feel like wearin' today, hm? Short sleeves or long?" I sat for a moment, thinking overly hard.

"Short." He handed me a shirt and I sighed, continuing, "I can get my own clothes, ya know."

"I know, but I'm already up, so why grab your crutch if I can just get 'em for you." He said, smiling.

"I'm not a baby," I kept my eyes off him now, changing.

"I know, I know."

"Then stop treatin' me like one," I mumbled, unsure why I was suddenly being so short with him.

"Hm?" He asked, not hearing me.

"Nothing." Jack stared or a moment more before continuing to dress, not pushing me.

"Ready?" He said after a bit, going down the ladder.

"Actually, you head down. I'll meet you at the square." Jack stopped and looked at me, and I could see that usual look of worry on his face. 

"Oh?" Was all he said, staring at me.

"Just go. I'm fine."

"What about your crutch?" He motioned to it, laying on the ground in front of me.

"I've got it. Go." He hesitated for a moment before heading down, disappearing. 

I sat there for a moment, just looking at my hands. After Jack had mentioned the whole Tommy thing, I felt sick. I continued to stare at my hands, feeling him holding my wrists. I started scratching at my left wrist, wanting to no longer feel him. No matter how hard I scratched, though, he was still there.

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