Chapter 21 - Trying

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Crutchie's POV

"Are you sure you want to try this?" Jack asked, holding his arms out and ready to catch me.

"Yes, I want to know if I'm getting any better." I was about to see if I could at least limp yet, praying that it'd work.

"I really don't think this is a good idea," Jack sounded worried, looking me in the eyes.

"I know. I don't either, but I want to know." I was holding myself up with my arms and my one leg, keeping my right foot totally off the ground. I took my eyes off him, taking a deep breath. I put my foot to the ground, instantly feeling shooting pain throughout my entire leg. I let out a small scream and Jack ran to me, holding me up.

"I told you," he said, not meaning to be rude. He helped me down to the ground, and I couldn't help but feel angry. "Hey, Crutchie, just breathe for a second." I hadn't noticed that I was breathing hard, and I didn't know if it was from the pain or if it was from anger. I pried Jack off me, trying to get up.

"I'm trying again." I said, ignoring the pain.

"Crutch that's really not a good idea, c'mon sit down," he tried to grab me, but I shoved him away. As a result, I fell down myself as I stopped holding myself up. I screamed louder this time, my ankle feeling worse. "Are you okay?" He asked, rushing over to me but not touching me.

"Do I fucking look okay?" I snapped back. I stared at him for a moment, seeing how heartbroken he looked. "Sorry. You didn't deserve that." I looked away from him, sighing.

"Don't apologize. Let's just rest for a second, okay?" He got down to my level, but still kept his hands off me. I could feel that he wanted to give me a hug, but he never did anything I clearly wasn't up to doing.

"No, I'm not resting. I'm doing it again." I pulled myself up once more, feeling determined to get at least one step in.

"Crutchie, it's really not a good idea,' Jack stood up with me, talking calmly.

"Just let me fucking try!" I yelled. He took a step back, surprised that I snapped at him a second time. Instead of apologizing, I looked down and got ready. I thought about how I could really get my balance down, and then after that maybe I could walk. I thought I'd take an approach I hadn't before. I'd slowly set my foot down until it was fully on the floor, as though I could walk, and try to balance.

I started to set my foot on the ground, my toes obviously reaching the ground first. I slowly started to put pressure on it, pain rocketing through me. I made some face and teared up, trying to fight through the pain.

"Crutchie don't bend your foot like that!" He got close to me, but still wouldn't touch me, knowing it'd make me upset. I ignored him, continuing to slowly bend my ankle and set it down slowly. I couldn't even describe the pain I felt as I did this, tears starting to fall as I made whimpering noises from how bad it hurt. "Stop!" He tried to yell at me one more time, but I continued going, shaking my head at him. Before I knew it, he had picked me up and set me on the ground, forcing me to take pressure off my ankle.

"What the fuck, Jack?!" I said, without even thinking. I was in roaring pain, wishing it had worked.

"Crutch, I know you want to walk but-"

"But what, huh? You know I can't?" I was fuming, raising my voice at him.

"No, no. That's not what I'm saying." He continued to talk in a calm tone even though I was yelling. "What I'm trying to say is that you're still not fully healed from what Tommy did. You need more time-"

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