Chapter 37 - Crutchie at the Refuge

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criticism spot! :)

Since we know what happens in the musical during this time, I will be focusing completely on Crutchie's experience in the refuge. THE STRIKE WILL LAST JUST A FEW DAYS LONGER THAN IT DOES IN THE MUSICAL!

Crutchie's POV

I was sat near the window as I had been all night, unable to sleep. Specs had come by at some point to check on me, and I gave him the note I wrote to Jack (check the photo at the top of the chapter to see the note, I made it myself). He promised he'd give it to him as soon as possible, telling me to try and sleep. I was unable to, however, as I was afraid I could get beat if I did. The room was quieter now that it was nearing midnight, but there was still a bit of talking. As I sat there, I thought I heard Jack call for me, making me perk up a bit. I quickly calmed down, however, realizing I had just imagined it.

"Crutchie!" I heard again, coming from the window. I looked over to see Jack on the other side, trying to see in. Since I was against the wall I was out of his sight, so I pulled myself over to the barred window, pain shooting through me as I did so.

"Jack," I whispered, finally making it.

"I'm so sorry," he immediately said as he looked at me through the bars. I put my arm through, holding his hand.

"It's not your fault," I said reassuringly, still in pain.

"I should've come to get you, not run-"

"Then we'd both be in here. You did the right thing, I promise." He began to rub his thumb on the back of my hand, staying quiet for a moment.

"Are you doing okay?" He asked, looking at me again.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I said, not wanting him to worry. I could tell it didn't work, however, as he rose his brows.

"I know they had to of beat you by now," he whispered, heartbreak present in his voice.

"Yeah, they did." I saw a tear fall from Jack's eyes as I spoke, making me cry a bit as well. "I'll be okay, I promise. You have nothing to worry about, okay?" I smiled at him and he smiled back, still rubbing my hand.

"I want to hold you," he said through his tears, still speaking quietly.

"I want you to," I smiled weakly once again, trying not to cry any further. "I can fend for myself, alright? I'll be just fine," he used his free hand to wipe his cheeks, sighing. "You should go home and get some sleep. You have a lot of stuff to do," I smiled wider, but he didn't smile back.

"I want to stay," he said, making my heart shatter.

"I know, but you can't risk being caught if you fall asleep here. Go home, I'll be okay."

"Alright," he said after a moment, getting ready to stand. "I'll come by tomorrow night. Do you need me to bring anything?" He asked, still not letting go of my hand.

"No, I'm good. Go take care of yourself, okay? Don't worry about me." He stared at me for a moment, clearly not wanting to let go. He did, eventually, and I felt myself choke up as his hand slid away from mine, wanting to ask him to stay. As hard as it was, I let him go, knowing it was what he needed to do. I rolled back away from the window, my back against the wall once again.

I stayed there for another hour, wide awake and thinking of Jack. After a while, I finally started to feel tired, so I laid down on the ground and closed my eyes, falling asleep after a few minutes.

I woke up the next morning to a random kid shaking me, scaring me a bit. He looked at the door quickly before turning back to me, helping me up.

"Snyder's comin' soon," he said, handing me my crutch. I couldn't help but feel a little happy as I noticed how every kid in here helped one another, not ever leaving someone to fend for themselves. I smiled at him, brushing my hair from my face.

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