Chapter 14 - Longing

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Again, these spots are for you to comment any constructive criticism you have about my writing, even if you're reading this after I finished the book! It is greatly appreciated :)

Crutchie's POV

I climbed down the ladder to get in line for papes, Jack waiting for me. I got to the bottom and we went to Newsie Square, getting our papes and talking for a bit. Race, Jack and I were about to leave to sell, when Race turned to us with a smile.

"Howse about a quick race? Loser buys dinner." He said. Jack sighed, rolling his eyes.

"C'mon Race, let's just go," it was real weird to see Jack be so cold to Race. Race was another fella that Jack was more open around, so he was also nicer to him than the others. 

"Please! We haven't in SO long." Race said, putting his hands together to beg. 

"Fine, fine. We'll race to the end of the block." Jack looked at me, and we took our bags off to run. We lined up, getting ready to run.

"Ready, set, GO!" Race yelled, and we all took off. I almost never lost these races, because I was faster than Race. I passed him quickly, Jack not too far ahead. I tried hard, but Jack beat me. I turned to Race and laughed, seeing defeat on his face.

"Well, I'm glad you wanted to play!" I said, teasing him.

"Yeah, yeah," He nudged me, embarrassed. "Let's just go sell our papes."

After we finished selling, Jack and I started our walk home. Everything was fine, until we heard a yell for Jack.

"Kelley!" It was Snider, right on our tails. Jack and I took off, cutting corners and dipping in and out of alleys. Eventually, we got back to the penthouse, totally out of breath.

"Shit, that was close," Jack said, turning to me. Before I could respond, I woke up. 

It had all been a dream. I wasn't actually able to run. Instead of waiting for Jack to wake up like usual, I instead backed up from him and sat up, thinking about my dream over and over again. I tried remembering what it felt like to walk. My ankle was still hurting really bad, since it had only been two days now. I heard Jack shift around, but I didn't turn to face him. I was still trying to think about what it was like to run. 

"Hm? What're you doing, Crutchie?" Jack said, probably wondering why I didn't lay with him like usual.

"I had a weird dream," I turned to face him now, seeing him sit up and move next to me.

"What was it about?" He rubbed his eyes, resting his back against the railing. 

"We were racing each other and ran from Snider, too," I said, looking back out toward the sunrise.

"I'm sorry, Crutchie." Jack pulled me in, knowing how upset these types of dreams made me. They always made me feel out of touch for the entire day. We sat there silently for a while, with Jack brushing his fingers through my hair.

"Jack, can I ask you something?" I was laying in his lap, my back against his stomach. I looked up to see him and he looked down at me.

"Of course," He said, smiling. 

"What's it like to run?" I asked, still looking at him. He seemed to be taken by surprise, not knowing how to answer.

"Well, what do you mean? I mean, you were able to walk until that day I found ya, right?" He said, looking at me and his smile falling.

"Yeah, but... I don't remember." I looked out to the sunrise once more, sighing. "I don't remember what it's like to walk, or to run, or to stand on my own." I kept staring forward, not wanting to look at Jack to see his expression.

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