Chapter 11 - Cards

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(TW: the lgbt f slur is used once near the end. Don't worry, I'm gay, I can say it.)

Crutchie's POV

"Alright fellas, are we betting?" Romeo asked as he started to deal out cards to each seat, two of which were empty since Jack and I had only just shown up. 

"Oh hey, I told Tommy from Queens that he could join us. That okay?" Race said, walking over to pull up an extra chair.

"Sure, makes me feel better when I win against more people," Jack laughed, nudging me and sitting down. I sat down in my seat as well and sighed deeply, as I was more tired than usual. I didn't get much sleep the night before 'cause I kept having nightmares every time I'd fall asleep. Well, that, and my clumsy self lost balance on my crutch and fell over, which didn't feel very good. 

"Foot hurtin' ya, Crutchie?" Race finished dealing out an extra hand to the empty seat, looking at me.

"Just a bit, I uh... I fell over earlier." I laughed at myself a bit before looking at Jack, who had witnessed the whole thing. He started laughing but tried to keep his cool, because I think he thought I was embarrassed. "Oh stop, you can laugh Jack." I said, rolling my eyes. 

"I'm sorry Crutch, but it was funny," he said, laughing harder. I shoved him a bit, laughing too.

"Jeez, you datin' someone Jack?" a new voice called from the door. I immediately stopped laughing, but Jack kept his cool. I wasn't so good at that. 

"Hey! C'mon, we're just about to start." Race said to who I assumed was Tommy, smiling at him.

"Here, I'll get this outta your way, Crutchie." Jack got up and grabbed my crutch that I had been leaning against my body, because the chair was too short to lean it up against. He set it against the wall, and Tommy snickered. I looked at him and then at Jack, and saw Jack already looking back at me as he sat down. He rose his eyebrows slightly, and I knew he was asking if he should say something. I shook my head a little bit so the other fellas wouldn't see it. Jack understood, picking up his cards to see what he had.

We played for a bit and I was on a losing streak. It was starting to get cold, and I was only wearing my button-up t-shirt today, and I was longing for a jacket. 

"Hey fellas can we take a smoke break?" Race said, standing up and taking a cigar out of his pocket.

"Yeah, sure. Hey does anyone have enough cash on them right now to play for chips for poker?" Romeo said, getting up as well.

"Oh I found those chips the other week from the casino trash, remember? I'll go get em." Jack said, getting up.

"Oh yeah, great. They're perfectly good chips, too." Romeo continued, walking out the door behind Race to smoke. Jack looked at me as he went for the door, and then stopped.

"Say Crutchie do you want to get up or anything? I can get your crutch." He smiled at me, gesturing toward my crutch against the wall.

"I'm gonna stay put, thanks Jack." I smiled at him, rubbing my arms to try and warm up.

"You cold?" Jack said, walking back to me. Tommy was still sitting as well, shuffling the cards over and over.

"Just at little." I said, but I was freezing. Jack was real protective over me, though, so I just sugarcoated it. "Say, since you're going up there could you grab one of my flannels for me?" Jack walked over to me and took off his own flannel he was wearing.

"Just take mine. My clothes are big on ya so it'll be warmer." He handed it to me, smiling. Tommy looked up from his cards, eyeing us.

"Thanks." I said, putting the flannel on and bundling up in it. 

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