it's just banter!

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thought this story needed a comedy chapter, things were getting a little too dark.

"hey! who's this then? the next UA hero you say?" nagisa taunts in a joking way, patting midoriya on the back as he enters the room and sits down.

"haha, yeah i wish." midoriya says, wincing as he grips his arm in a cast.

as all the students settle down to eat in the lunch room, the infamous kacchan and his herd of sheep come over to fit in their daily dose of unnecessary rude comments.

"hah, can't believe this. deku practically gets saved by the cops and all of a sudden HE'S the hero in this story? you lot must be kidding!"

"ay, knock it off, kacchan. if midoriya hadn't gone to his mothers house in the first place, she would've died at the hands of his brother!" iida cuts in, sticking up for midoriya.

"is that so? i think you all underestimate the uselessness of deku-kun. everyone gets these "hunches" every now and then. he's nothing special. there's been countless times i've thought my friends were in danger and they were and i saved them, that hardly makes me some massive hero now does it?"

"bold of you to state that you actually have friends." karma snorts, drinking his orange juice whilst staring right at kacchan.

kacchan growls, "i-"

"and while we're on that topic, you certainly seem to spend a lot of time around these people who are supposedly you're friends. like i never see you hanging out with anyone else. so, please tell me, as i'm genuinely intrigued, how it is you possibly "saved" them. as they look quite capable of handling themselves." nagisa retorts, "i mean what is it, do you, hold their hands through the fights?"

the whole table laughs. kacchan turns red, from both anger and embarrassment.

"no, no, don't be silly nagisa. he clearly sleeps in their beds with them when they say they've had a nIgHtmArE." iida pipes in, causing the table burst into even more laughter, midoriya included.

"well, actually, i saw kacchan actually go into the same bath stall as one of these idiots, so maybe he "saved" them from erectile dysfunction!" todoroki adds, cracking into laughter halfway through the sentence.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA!!!!" whe whole table by now has become a giant pack of hyenas, with other students from different tables looking over to see what the fuss is all about, others laughing along as they heard the jokes, and some even joining in on the kacchan slander.

"yeah, i mean, i do find it weird how for a guy who's supposedly "straight" you spend your whole day obsessing over midoriya all the time, another boy!" hagakure joins, slapping her knee in laughter.

"yeah, kacchan, why don't you "kacch" these hands!" uraraka shouts.

the joke wasn't funny. and for a second everyone stops and the room becomes silent. but then they all burst into laughter once more, not only out of sympathy for uraraka, but also because any joke made towards kacchan is funny considering how much of a lowlife he is.

"you lot are a bunch of pussies! you better hope you lot don't see me on you own, because you'll certainly know about it!"

"know about what? the fact that this guy's 5'7 and somehow HE'S the bully in this school?? give me a break!"


"my mothers taller than him in heels!"


"my mothers taller than him WITHOUT heels!!!!"


kacchan looks so furious that by now you could physically see the smoke coming out of his ears.

"what's the problem? kirishima got your tongue?"

"course he has, they spend all their free time snogging!"


kacchan says nothing as he storms off out the lunch room, humiliated. his sorry excuses for friends following closely behind, one of them even tripping on the way out.

"thanks, guys." midoriya says, finally stopping his laughter. "you've all made my day so much better."

"it's no problem, izuku midoriya." the table all replies. "we'll always be here for you."

midoriya beams at his table of newfound friends, elated that he finally has some people he can trust.


a/n: hello fellow readers! i hope u all have been enjoying these chapters. i've also finished my exams meaning that i can now devote my full attention to writing! as for now id really appreciate any advice on how to improve or what you've enjoyed most so far. i get a lot of comments on here so i often can't reply but i do read them and it's great that u lot seem to enjoy the "evil nagisa" chapters and the short kayano lines at the end of some chapters. anyway that's it for today, i've written 3 chapters in one day wow. cya!

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