a sad day at U.A

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a month later, all the students and teachers had been discharged from the hospital and were now able to return back to UA High to resume their normal lives.

"everyone!" all might announces,
"the assassination classroom students and their teachers will be coming back here today. so i ask u all to please be kind and respectful. as excited as you all may be to have them back, please don't approach them suddenly, just have your say and leave them to rest. they're still recovering mentally and physically from the painful events that happened a month ago and so will most likely want time to themselves to come to terms with it all."

"yes all might." everyone says, massive grins on their faces.

"i'm so excited to have them all back, i was so scared we'd never get to see some of them again." izuku squeals excitedly

"yeah me too, but it's a shame that okuda still hasn't woken up from her coma yet... she's the only student that won't return today... the doctors said they're keeping her in the hospital until she wakes up, if she wakes up, that is."

izuku's smile quickly fades but he doesn't let that phase him as he's still been keeping his hopes high that Okuda will be fine.

suddenly one by one, everyone from the hospital pours into the room, some of them running and hugging their UA classmates, others just lightly smiling and limping to their seats.

it truly is a heartwarming thing to see. however all goes quiet once maehara enters the room. holding crutches, and hopping into the room with only one leg, the UA students are stunned.

maehara gives a small smile but with the saddest eyes anyone has ever seen. he hops over to his chair and sits down quietly, not looking at anyone to avoid the pitiful looks he's bound to receive.

"good to have you back, hiroto-kun." Kirishima says, placing a firm hand on his back, giving his shoulder a light squeeze.

"how's manami-chan looking?" kaminari asks isogai.

he doesn't get a response.

kaminari looks back at his UA classmates and shrugs, concerned for what exactly he was meant to think of that.

"i'm so glad all of you are well, and for the next couple days you will be left to rest. however, training will resume and is optional for those who were contaminated. join at your own wish." all might says.

"class dismissed, you will now return to your dorms." aizawa commands

slowly the room empties, and izuku is excited to resume his training tomorrow.

a/n: sorry this chapter is short and boring, i'm just using it to slowly build up to the more exciting things that will be happening along the next few chapters as the plot thickens. keep ur ears pealed! :))

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