gut wrenching feelings...

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a/n: forgot to say earlier but eid mubarak to all my muslim readers!

now back to the story...


*3 days later*

at 3am midoriya receives an anonymous phone call that chills him to the bone.

*ring ring RING* the annoying ringtone stuns midoriya out of his one good sleep that he had managed to get after days of insomnia.

"oh for fucks sake..." he says groggily as he fumbles for the light switch, turning it on and then reaching for the phone, continuing to vibrate on his bed side table.

"uh, hello?" he says

he hears breathing. nothing but breathing on the other side of the phone. midoriya says hello once more.

"hello?! who's this?" midoriya says with an annoyed tone.

"this better not be a prank. it's 3 in the morning, get a life!"

the breathing on the other end ignores midoriya and grows louder and more intense, with a small growl now added among the breathing almost like a rabid animal.

"oh fuck off." midoriya says angrily as he slams the phone down and hangs up.

"fucking pranksters." he mutters to himself as he tries to fall back asleep.

*the next morning*

after a terrible dream, midoriya wakes with a stinging pain in his chest, almost as if his fight or flight mode has been activated and now he can't stop feeling like he should be worrying about something or that he's forgotten something really important.

he turns to notice that all of his roommates have already gotten up and are no longer in the room, he checks his watch to see it's 10:30AM.

"shit! i've already missed breakfast!" it was rare that midoriya ever overslept, considering he's a raging insomniac, but at the same time he was content knowing that for once he actually felt rested. however that still didn't stop him from turning his room upside down while he shoves his clothes on and runs to where all the other students are to begin class, missing breakfast.

midoriya bursts through the door for the 2nd lesson, making everyone in the class go silent. his cheeks turn red and he hangs his head down in shame as he walks to his seat in the classroom, avoiding the glaring eyes of aizawa burning into the back of his skull.

"right, apart from that little interruption by midoriya, can you all turn to page 47 in your textbooks please and read through it with a partner. you will have 10 minutes to write your notes before you have to share them with the class. begin." aizawa says in a bored monotone voice as he chucks the chalk against the chalkboard, it falling and hitting the floor whilst he tiredly hobbles over to his chair and sits down with a lethargic thud.

midoriya can't focus. he wants to, but he just can't. something is eating away at him. and now all he can think about is that he's in danger. again.

a/n: boy midoriya just can't seem to catch a break huh? 😅

midoriya is so lost in his own thought that it's a shock when he feels a ball of scrunched up paper hit the back of his head, stunning him and making him gasp and fall out of his seat.

kacchan chuckles from 2 seats behind him, giving kirishima a fist bump whilst murmuring incoherent profanities.

"behave." aizawa scowls. that's as far as the discipline goes with him.

midoriya sighs and shivers, not because he's cold, but because his anxiety has genuinely caused him to physically shake.

he can't take it anymore, he needs a moment to think. to breathe.

without thinking, his hand shoots up.

"uh, sir. may i be excused? i need the bathroom."

"proceed..." aizawa huffs.

midoriya darts to the bathroom, pushing through countless students on the way there. finally he gets into the bathroom and hovers over the toilet, gagging but nothing comes out. oh yeah, no breakfast.

"come on man, pull yourself together." midoriya shudders, wiping the cold sweats off his forehead. "what's wrong? just find out the cause for these feelings and then work from there." he whispers.

he thinks. and thinks and thinks and thinks. oh my.

of course. he remembered 3 days ago when his brother was creeping him out, and the several missed calls from his mother, along with a bunch of strange texts. that's what had been concerning him, however he'd been so busy he must've forgotten about it.

he needed to call his mother. now.

he rushes back to his room and snatches his phone from his desk, frantically dialling his mothers number and giving it a ring.

"hello? HELLO!? MOM?!" midoriya hears nothing on the other end of the line. he calls again. it goes straight to voicemail. he calls again and again and again. finally he gets through.



"yes of course, you silly boy. what's all the fuss about?"

"oh thank god." midoriya sighs a breath of relief. "i thought something had happened to you."

"no, i'm completely fine, sweetheart. no need to worry. i've just brought the shopping in."

"i have to ask though, what were those texts you sent me all about? they were a bit random."

"what texts?" inko asks before the phone line cuts off and as quickly as that, midoriya and his mother are once again disconnected.


kayano - oooooh! what's this? the plot line is thickening!!!!

infamous - youre damn right! what do you think of it so far?

kayano - it's shit.

infamous - what? you seemed like you were enjoying it...

kayano - nah, it's a bag of dogpoo and so are you.

infamous - wow, thanks. remind me again why i even bother adding you into my story at all?

kayano - because i'm the only reason this story's actually relevant?

infamous - haha yeah no. *saying sarcastically*

kayano - bitch.

infamous - asshole.

kayano - prick.

infamous - inbred.

kayano - always lovely speaking with u.

infamous - same with u, hope u die! 😄

kayano - u too! 😁

wattpad - congrats on publishing "gut wrenching feelings" onto wattpad! have a nice day!

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