Good Man? Part 4

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Ah, a beautiful June! Summer had just begun for Alfred and Matthew.

Matthew had started to invite Alfred over more. First it was sleepover parties, then it was weekends, then it was a full on week! Alfred practically lived here half the time!

N-n-n-not that Arthur minded of course. Alfred was a joy to be around. He was still as full of energy and life had he been the first couple of months.

And it wasn't like Arthur didn't get anything out of this "arrangement" either. Sometimes if Arthur was lucky he could catch a glimpse of Alfred's golden tanned backside when he was changing! That wasn't all either. One time Arthur had even managed to catch Alfred...uh... "pleasuring" himself. It was so cute to here the moans and mewls!

You know though. It was kinda worrying Arthur just how much time Matthew spent with Alfred. He didn't think Matthew was gay. Not that it mattered to Arthur he already had a plan in motion to get the golden boy.

With a deep, calming breathe, Arthur trotted down his stairs into his kitchen.

Ah, there on the counter was some of his scones. Shame no one had eaten them. He had tried his best.

Ah, and there humming a cheery tune was Alfred he was wearing some type of apron, must have belonged to Francine (where had the whor-blasted women gone anyway?)

Back to Alfred, he was wearing some red apron that said something stereotypical, like 'kiss the cook'. He was wearing shorts, that gave Arthur....ahem.....a 'nice' view.

Well, Arthur, ol' man, ready to steal the love of your life and live in forever bliss?

Arthur felt the hopeful words leave his mouth. All his hopes dreams, and even his life was attached to these three small words. How he hoped Alfred wouldn't crush his heart like a tyrant. No, Alfred wasn't like that........right?

The words hung in the air for a second before crashing down. Their meaning becoming clear to Alfred.

"Alfred, I love you."

A smile appeared on Alfred's face that would even put sunshine to shame. "Mr. Kirkland, I like you too! You're probably the coolest parent I know!"

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