Get Well Soon Alfred Part 2

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"You don't get it Ivan! It was the fairies, they were the ones that told me!"

Unconvinced purple eyes stared at the rambling mad man.

Yeah, the 'fairies' were the ones that told Arthur that he needed a knife. Ivan wasn't even sure if he wanted to know what Arthur needed the knife for. It was probably for one of his weird Harry Potter rituals.

Ivan let out a sigh of relief. One more patient and he was done with his job.

Ivan closed the heavily secured door, Arthur could still be heard ranting. It had changed from the fairies to a weird rant about a shapeshifter?

Arthur had always been an odd man. Well, that should be obvious, he was at an Insan-ahem-Mental Asylum.

But being odd was not the only reason would were brought to this prison. They had to push their family so far away that the family wanted absolutely nothing to do with them. And that matched Arthur

Arthur had been an ordinary man. A British expat that had just moved to the Empire State, New York. He had fallen madly in love with, his then fiancé, Amelia. A rather headstrong girl, or that's at least what Ivan had picked up from Arthur's ranting. The two lovebirds then got married. Everything was perfect, Arthur had a child on the way and Amelia was in good health. That was until a drunk driver had hit her. The child had been ok, Amelia....not so much. She was declared dead a week later. There is only so much modern medicine can do. Arthur still had a string of sanity left, his son. Sadly, his son had run away. Arthur's delusions had become too much for the boy to handle. When Arthur's son ran away, poor Arthur completely lost his mind.

Ivan looked behind him, to make sure the door had closed properly. He could still vividly remember the one time he had closed Ludwig's door incorrectly. Let's just say, Ivan had stopped wearing his scarf to work.

Ivan bounced on the balls of his heels, waiting for a click, signifying the door had closed.

Just when Ivan was about to get closer to the door, a pale, spidery hand shot out.

Ivan let out a surprised noised and jumped back, his hand found his taser.

The hand started to pull back, letting Ivan see the green eyes of Arthur Kirkland.

"Ivan, you did here what I said, right lad?" The accented voice questioned.

"Da, I mean, yes, Arthur."

"That's good, that's very good. I have a feeling that the little bunny is about to strike."

Ivan kept his mouth shut. It was important that he didn't make Arthur agitated. Questioning why a cute, harmless rabbit could be dangerous was not good for Ivan's well-being.

Just as quickly as the hand came, it disappeared returning to its insane master.

Ivan made a mental note to up Arthur to level 3 danger.

Now, it was time for Ivan to see his favorite patient.

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