God of Flowers Part 1

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Alfred was the god of flowers. He had the best garden in the world, sadly some rogue gods wanted to see if that was true.

Matthew, Francis, Arthur, Ivan x Alfred

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Alfred leaned over his Candytufts, making sure they had enough water. Those flowers were always his thirstiest.

Looking to his left, Alfred saw some of his yellow chrysanthemums, the daffodils were beginning to encroach on some of the chrysanthemums' land.

Walking over to his chrysanthemums and daffodils, Alfred saw a poor daisy, in his path, away from its friends. Feeling bad for the poor thing, Alfred cupped the dirt with the daisy and brought it over to his other daisies.

On his way to deposit the daisy, some of his gardenias gave him a cheerful wave with their green leaves. Gardenias were always his most cheerful flower.

Putting the daisy with its friends, Alfred saw that some of his hydrangeas had migrated over to the cooler part of his garden. Well, it did make sense, they were always his most active flowers.

His poor lilies were all alone now. Darn, he thought that the hydrangeas and lilies would get along swimmingly.

Well, what flowers could he put by his lilies? Sunflowers were too haughty, snapdragons were too sly for his innocent lilies, and his hyacinths were too active for his lilies.

Could an iris work? Yeah, an iris could work! He would make sure to take some of the white irises. He was sure the lilies and the white iris would get along well. Alfred let one of his famous smiles appear on his face.

Feeling a little better at solving his conundrum, Alfred wiped his dirt ridden hands on his pants and headed to the quaint cottage, some apple pie from his fruiting apple trees sounded delicious.

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