Case Closed Part 3

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Alfred rubbed his shoes on the welcome mat.

Kiku was always so anal about being clean.

Alfred smiled fondly. It reminded him of the time Kiku had stepped into his sock and shirt covered floor, his horrified face so scared you might've thought he saw a dead body.

Opening the door. Alfred slipped off his shoes, and pointedly ignored the slippers Kiku had put out.

His sock covered feet made small thuds across the wood floor.

If Kiku were home he would've heard that.

Alfred let out a sigh of relief, thankfully his roomie was out.

Now, it was time to go through his stuff!

Alfred swore on week's worth of hamburgers that he was going to find why his friend was so late.


Alfred walked up the stairs, making sure to be quiet as possible. It just felt wrong to be loud while he was "investigating" his friend.

Reaching the top. Alfred took a left and stood right in front of Kiku's door.

It was an old thing. Some type of dark wood that Alfred could never name. For such an ancient thing, you think it would be loud, but it was quieter than Alfred's own, new door.

Alfred carefully reached out and put his hand on the faux brass door knob. He just let his hand stay there, absorbing the heat. Waiting for something, anything to stop him from his midnight rendezvous with Kiku's room.

Alfred held his breath. Straining to hear if there was anyone, anyone at all about to or entering the house.

Silence was his only answer.

Alfred flexed his hand and turned it.

Almost like the think had absorbed Kiku's nature, the door opened without a single sound.

Kiku's room was a familiar sight to Alfred. There were countless times where him and his bestie would just hang out here and talk.

Did you see the new alien report?

What's hentai?

How can that little girl be 5,000 years old?

Alfred felt a smile bloom on his lips.

This was like one of his totally awesome spy movies!

Dun Dun Dun da dada Dun

Alfred tiptoed to Kiku's bed, while humming the Mission Impossible theme.

dun dun da dada dun dun

Alfred searched the bed, but when realizing there was nothing on it besides bed sheets and some weird manga with tentacles, he ducked down and looked under.

dun da dada,

Alfred flung his hand under the bed and began to search for anything. Maybe girl' clothes? Maybe some weird occult thing? Anything that could explain why Kiku's schedule has changed.

de da doo de da doo de da doo do dut.

Alfred's hand hit something. It was some type of cloth.

Alfred grabbed the item and pulled it out, where his inquisitive blue eyes could finally see it.


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