Anemone Part 3

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The End

Ivan couldn't focus at all.

The idea of prepositions just went in one ear and out the other.

Yes, yes, he knew he should pay attention, but he just couldn't.

His heart felt like it was about to burst out of his chest.

All his eyes could focus on was a muscular chest and well defined thighs.

He must have eaten something weird.

"Ivan! Ivan! Are you there bud?"

A tanned hand waved itself in front of his violet eyes.

That seemed to burst him out of his revere.

Violet eyes darted up and met the most spectacular blue he had ever seen. He just couldn't pull himself away from the sky blue eyes. Was it just him, or could he actually see constellations and stars in those magnificent eyes.

Ivan felt blood rush up to his cheeks. His pale complexion was always such a burden. He always sunburned so easily. How jealous he was of the golden skin of his friend.

"Hey, buddy! Are you there?"

Ivan jolted. Had he really lost himself again?

"Ah, yes, did you need something Fredka?"

Said blond blushed a little at the nickname.

"N-n-no, I was just wondering if you could do this worksheet? It should have everything we covered."

Ivan gave a nod, that would help him study. When Alfred saw him nod, he gave him a double sided worksheet. It seemed pretty simple.

"Oh, yeah! And before I forget, let's do a speaking exercise after you finish it."

Alfred didn't even look to see if Ivan agreed, he just started humming to himself and turned to his backpack.

Which is the correct plural form of "goose?"


Did Alfred think he was an idiot? This was so easy. He did know Ivan was a college student, right?

Well....this was Alfred he was talking about.

Ivan shook his head, this was a super easy worksheet, so he got it done fast.

Ivan looked up....and immediately averted his eyes.

Why did Alfred have to wear skinny jeans? Was that appropriate?

Ivan glanced back, well, it wasn't like he minded it that much. Yum.

Alfred turned around. Ivan sometimes wondered how he didn't feel dizzy with how much movement he did.

", Ivan? Are you done?"

Said platinum blond gave a small grunt. Yes, he had finished five minutes ago.

Alfred perked up.

"That's great! I think you might have just finished 'The Awesome Alfred F. Jones Tutoring Lessons!'"

Oh....this was it? It seemed to have gone by so fast. Was Alfred sure he didn't have one more lesson?

They hadn't even gone over idioms. This couldn't be the end!

N-n-not that Ivan wanted these tutoring sessions to continue. No, he was just worry that he hadn't quite grasped the complexities of the English language.

Yeah! That made sense.

"Oh, that passed sooner than I thought."

Alfred gave a small nod of agreement. He seemed to be in deep thought.

Ivan's eyes zeroed in on how his plump lip was bitten by his teeth.

"W-w-w-well, not that I think you need it, but why don't we head to coffee! Just to do a simple review! I-I-I-I-it'll be my treat!"

Ivan's eyes widened. A pink blush was slowly making its way up his neck.

Ivan gave a hesitant nod.

"Capitalist pig, 'head to coffee' does not even make sense."

Alfred blushed a little. The pretty red staining his cheeks. Ivan wouldn't mind seeing that expression more.

Alfred squawked a little.

"Stupid commie, I'll see you at 5.

Ivan watched as the pretty blond stomped off.

This date would be fun.

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